Acronym | Definition |
ICO | Initial Coin Offering (cryptocurrency) |
ICO | Information Commissioner's Office (UK) |
ICO | Icon (File Name Extension) |
ICO | Instituto de Crédito Oficial (Spain: Official Credit Institute) |
ICO | In Case Of |
ICO | International Council of Ophthalmology (San Francisco, CA) |
ICO | International Coffee Organization |
ICO | Illinois College of Optometry (Chicago, IL) |
ICO | International Congress on Obesity |
ICO | International Commission for Optics |
ICO | Indianapolis Chamber Orchestra (Indianapolis, IN) |
ICO | Intermediate Circular Orbit |
ICO | Icon File |
ICO | Ica Client Object |
ICO | International Cocoa Organization |
ICO | Initial Cash Outlay |
ICO | Institut Catala d'Oncologia (Catalan Institute of Oncology) |
ICO | Israel Chamber Orchestra (est. 1965) |
ICO | Independent Coast Observer (newspaper; Gualala, CA) |
ICO | Inner City Outings |
ICO | Independent Company |
ICO | India Country Office (UNICEF) |
ICO | Insurance Companies Ordinance |
ICO | Interface Control Officer |
ICO | International College for Officers (Salvation Army) |
ICO | Interfaith Community Organization |
ICO | Instituto de Cultura Oregoniana (Spanish: Institute of Oregonian Culture) |
ICO | Internet Connectivity Option |
ICO | Integrated Checkout |
ICO | Interim Court Order |
ICO | International Culture Organization (Kainan University; Taiwan) |
ICO | In Care Of |
ICO | International Catholic Organizations |
ICO | Industrial Common Ownership |
ICO | Industrial Commission of Ohio |
ICO | Intellectual Capital Office (PatentCafe) |
ICO | International Cooperative Opportunities |
ICO | Iranian Cultural Organization |
ICO | Sicogon Island, Philippines (Airport Code) |
ICO | Idle Cut-Off (mixture control in piston powered aircraft) |
ICO | Incident Contracting Officer |
ICO | Intensive Corrections Order (Australian criminal justice) |
ICO | Interagency Committee on Oceanography |
ICO | International Communist Opposition (old anti-communist league) |
ICO | Ingénierie du Confort et de l'Eau (French energy performance association) |
ICO | Incident Command Officer |
ICO | Installation & Checkout |
ICO | Initial Cost of Ownership |
ICO | International Congress of Ophtalmology |
ICO | Illinois Chamber Orchestra |
ICO | International Computer Olympiad |
ICO | Instrumentation Control Operator |
ICO | Integration and Coordination Office |
ICO | Integrated Contract/Contractor Order |
ICO | International Culture Organization (Kainan University, Taiwan) |
ICO | In-house Computing Option |
ICO | Integration Coaching |
ICO | Item Change Order |
ICO | International Committee of the PRCA |
ICO | Intracellular Organism |
ICO | Initial Calibration Only |
ICO | Internet Connected Office |
ICO | Installation Command Officer (US Navy) |