LCRLiquidity Coverage Ratio
LCRLigue Communiste Révolutionnaire
LCRLeast Cost Routing
LCRLog Cabin Republicans
LCRLigase Chain Reaction
LCRLocus Control Region
LCRLightweight Compact Revolver (gun)
LCRLeft - Center - Right (mnemonic for Inductance, Capacitance & Resistance)
LCRLocal Continuous Replication
LCRLandscape Component Repository
LCRLine Control Register
LCRLeast Cost Call Routing
LCRLutheran Church of the Redeemer (Chimacum, WA)
LCRLondon Car Rentals (UK)
LCRLead and Copper Rule (EPA)
LCRLocal Content Requirement (various locations)
LCRLog Cabin Ranch (various organizations)
LCRLocal Court Rule (various locations)
LCRLow Cost Region
LCRInductance, Capacitance, Resistance (meter)
LCRLa Cruces (Amtrak station code; La Cruces, NM)
LCRLow Chip Rate
LCRLa Costa Resort (Carlsbad, CA)
LCRLow Calcium Response
LCRLevel Crossing Rate
LCRLife Cycle Review (various organizations)
LCRLow Copy Repeat
LCRLarge Conference Room
LCRLast Chance Race
LCRLoughborough Campus Radio (UK)
LCRLyondell-Citgo Refining, LP
LCRLandscape Characterization and Restoration (NOAA program)
LCRLanding Craft Rubber
LCRLutheran Churches of the Reformation
LCRLower Common Room
LCRLinux Call Router (computing)
LCRLive Crown Ratio (forestry)
LCRLocal Call Routing (LEC)
LCRLaunch Control Room
LCRLiquid Core Reduction (metallurgy)
LCRLarge Current Radiator
LCRLife Cycle Replacement
LCRLinear Calibration Range (US EPA)
LCRLocal Control Room
LCRLocal Call Rate
LCRLight Cavalry Regiment
LCRLine Concentration Ratio
LCRLean Capacity Rate
LCRLettres de Change Relevées
LCRLink Cell Rate (Sprint-ATM)
LCRLoss Control Representative (insurance)
LCRLaboratory for Coastal Research (Florida International University)
LCRLeachate Collection and Removal
LCRLarge Caliber Rocket
LCRLarge Component Removal
LCRLeucocyanidin Reductase (enzyme)
LCRLetter Carrier Route (Canada Post)
LCRLeast Covering Radius
LCRLaboratoir Central de Recherché
LCRLayer Cooling Rate
LCRLife Christian Resources
LCRLogistic Change Report