KDKevin Durant (basketball player)
KDKingdom (Star Kingdoms game)
KDKuwaiti Dinar (unit of currency)
KDkd lang (musician)
KDKnocked Down
KDKinase Domain (biology)
KDKappa Delta
KDKawasaki Disease
KDKentucky Derby
KDKings Domnion (amusement park; Virginia)
KDKristillisdemokraatit (Finnish: Christian Democrats)
KDKraft Dinner
KDKomodo Dragon
KDKiln Dried
KDKing Diamond (band)
KDKeep Dreaming (gaming)
KDKristendemokraterne (Danish political party)
KDKnown Distance
KDKhaki Drill (uniform)
KDKnowledge Discovery
KDKill Death Ratio (gaming)
KDKomatsu Diesel (Japan)
KDKitchen Duty
KDKnee-Disarticulation (amputation)
KDCost of Debt
KDKatamari Damacy (video game)
KDData Key (FIPS)
KDKennedy Disease
KDKeep Driving (mechanical fault finding for intermittent faults)
KDKeyed Differently (locksmithing)
KDKristdemokratiska Partiet (Swedish political party)
KDKnown Delinquent
KDKings Destroy (grafitti crew)
KDKey and Developmental
KDKael Drakkal (Everquest, gaming)
KDKerrville Division (Kerrville Veterans Hospital, Kerrville, TX)
KDKnown Depredator
KDKwikDeath (CounterStrike gaming clan)
KDDissociate Constant (receptor affinity in pharmacology, chemistry)
KDKept Daughter (adoption)
KDPilotless Aircraft for Use as Target Aircraft (US Navy)
KDKorgorian Delphic
KDKmecka Družba (Slovenia)