Acronym | Definition |
JPA | Java Persistence API |
JPA | Jabatan Perkhidmatan Awam (Public Sevices Department of Malaysia) |
JPA | Japan Powerlifting Association (est. 1972) |
JPA | Japan Planetarium Association (astronomy) |
JPA | Joint Project Agreement (Department of Commerce) |
JPA | Joint Powers Authority |
JPA | Japanese Psychological Association |
JPA | Java Persistence Architecture |
JPA | Joint Powers Agreement |
JPA | Japanese Patent Application (intellectual property) |
JPA | Joint Project Agreement |
JPA | Jeunesse au Plein Air (France) |
JPA | Joint Parliamentary Assembly (EU-ACP negotiation body) |
JPA | Japan Perl Association (computer language) |
JPA | Japanese Poolplayers Association (billiards) |
JPA | Joint Participation Agreement |
JPA | Juvenile Pilocytic Astrocytoma |
JPA | Josephson Parametric Amplifier |
JPA | Jacksonville Port Authority (Florida, USA) |
JPA | Japan Paraglider Association |
JPA | Journal of Productivity Analysis (Springer) |
JPA | Juice Products Association |
JPA | Justices of the Peace Act (various locations) |
JPA | Joint Planning Agreement |
JPA | Journal of Personality Assessment |
JPA | Jones Public Affairs (various locations) |
JPA | Japan Poker Association |
JPA | Japanese Photochemistry Association |
JPA | Junior Philatelists of America |
JPA | Japan Pallet Association (trade association) |
JPA | Job Performance Aid |
JPA | Japan Pyrotechnics Association |
JPA | Japan Printing Academy |
JPA | Joint Permitting Agreement |
JPA | Jordan Pharmaceutical Association |
JPA | Japan Procurement Agency |
JPA | Japan Pharmaceucital Association |
JPA | Job Package Authorization |
JPA | Jazz Photography Association |
JPA | Job Placement Assessment |
JPA | Job Performance Assistance |
JPA | Jesus People Army |
JPA | Jornadas de Presentación de Aiesec (Spanish) |
JPA | Jumma Peoples Alliance (Nepal) |
JPA | Japanese Press in Pile Association |
JPA | Joao Pessoa, Pernambuco, Brazil (Airport Code) |
JPA | Joynes Pike and Associates Ltd (UK) |