Acronym | Definition |
JECC | Jewish Education Center of Cleveland (Cleveland, OH) |
JECC | Joint Enabling Capabilities Command |
JECC | Japan Electronic Computer Company |
JECC | Japan Engineering Consultants Co., Ltd. |
JECC | Joint Emergency Communications Center (Iowa) |
JECC | Joint Economic Committee of Congress |
JECC | Jazz En Culottes Courtes |
JECC | Jembo Cable Company Tbk PT |
JECC | Joint Enroute Care Course (US DoD) |
JECC | Jumptec Elite Computer Club (Germany) |
JECC | Jonathan Edwards College Council |
JECC | Joint Exercise Control Center |
JECC | Joint EGO Computing Centers |
JECC | Japan Expert Climbers Club |
JECC | Jiangsu Energy Conservation Centre (China) |
JECC | Judiciary Education and Conference Center (Maryland) |
JECC | Jeddah Computer Center (Saudi Arabia) |
JECC | Joint Enlisted Curriculum Committee (US DoD) |
JECC | Joint Effects Coordination Cell (US DoD) |
JECC | Japan Electronic Computer Corporation |
JECC | Joint Emergency Coordinating Committee (Canada) |
JECC | J. Eric Cronin Collection |
JECC | Joint Electronic Components Conference |
JECC | Joint Economic and Commercial Committee |
JECC | Jesus Evangelical Covenant Church |
JECC | Japan Evangelical Church of Christ |
JECC | Joint Education Curriculum Committee |
JECC | Japan Educational Council for Children |
JECC | JTC Enumeration Cross Checker |
JECC | Jazz Educational Concert Center |
JECC | Jersey Eagles Cricket Club (Far Hills, NJ) |
JECC | Joint Experimentation Coordination Committee (UK MOD) |
JECC | Junior Executive Council Clubs |
JECC | Judge Education and Certification Committee (Minnesota Music Teachers Association) |
JECC | Japanese Education Culture Center |
JECC | Judges Education Committee Co-chair (Alaskan Malamute Club of America) |
JECC | Joint European Conference Committee |
JECC | Joint Egyptian Cotton Committee |