Acronym | Definition |
IFB | Invitation For Bid(s) |
IFB | I Follow Back |
IFB | Independent Fundamental Baptist Church |
IFB | Irish Film Board (Ireland) |
IFB | Internet for Business (UK) |
IFB | Insurance Fraud Bureau |
IFB | Illinois Farm Bureau |
IFB | Issue for Bid (construction) |
IFB | Institut Français de la Biodiversité (French: French Institute of Biodiversity) |
IFB | Internationalen Filmfestspiele Berlin (German: International Film Festival of Berlin) |
IFB | Insulating Fire Brick (refractory products used to line kilns) |
IFB | Idaho Food Bank |
IFB | Informatik-Fachberichte (Germany) |
IFB | Interfaith Food Bank (Jackson, CA) |
IFB | Institut für Flugzeugbau (University of Stuttgart, Germany) |
IFB | Interruptible Fold-Back |
IFB | Inflation-Forecast-Based |
IFB | Industrial Fire Brigade (various locations) |
IFB | Interruptible Feedback |
IFB | Institut Français de Barcelone (French: French Institute of Barcelona; Barcelona, Spain) |
IFB | Internet Free/Busy |
IFB | Intermediate Functional Block (Linux operating system) |
IFB | International Finance Bank (Florida) |
IFB | Intercom Fold Back (earpiece) |
IFB | Is Finished By (time or date) |
IFB | Independent Fundamentalist Baptist |
IFB | Integrated Forecast Board |
IFB | Inter Ferry Boat |
IFB | Institut Français de Bucarest (French: French Institute of Bucharest; Bucharest, Romania) |
IFB | Institute for Bioinformatics (Germany) |
IFB | Invitation for Bidders |
IFB | Institut Français de Bratislava (French: French Institute of Bratislava; Bratislava, Slovakia) |
IFB | In for Blood (Counter-Strike team) |
IFB | Institut Français de Budapest (French: French Institute of Budapest; Budapest, Hungary) |
IFB | Indian Fine Blanks Limited |
IFB | Institute of Foreign Bankers |
IFB | International Finance and Business |
IFB | Initiation For Bid |
IFB | International Friends Bureau (gaming) |
IFB | Installation Fixed Base |
IFB | Institute für Bahntechnik (University of Berlin, Germany) |
IFB | Institut Français du Bâtiment (French: French Institute of Building) |
IFB | Internal Fold-Back |