IFFIdentification, Friend or Foe
IFFI Feel Fine (Beatles song)
IFFInternational Film Festival
IFFIf and Only If
IFFInterchange File Format
IFFInternational Flavors and Fragrances
IFFIntroduction to Fighter Fundamentals (US Air Force flight training)
IFFImage File Format
IFFIndependent Film Festival
IFFInstitut Fuer Festkoerperforschung (German: Institute of Solid State Research)
IFFInitial Face-to-Face
IFFInternational Finance Facility
IFFInternational Floorball Federation (Helsinki, Finland)
IFFIschia Film Festival (Italy)
IFFInternational Food Festival
IFFFraunhofer-Institut für Fabrikbetrieb und -Automatisierung (German: Fraunhofer Institute for Factory Operation and Automation)
IFFInternational Feldenkrais Federation (education; est. 1992)
IFFInternational Freight Forwarders (various locations)
IFFInternational Fencing Federation
IFFInter-Faith Forum
IFFIntergovernmental Forum on Forests
IFFInformation Flow Framework
IFFInterrupt Flip Flop
IFFIndustrial Funding Fee
IFFInstituttet for Fremtidsforskning (Danish: Institute for Future Studies)
IFFItalian Fusion Festival (Dublin, Ireland)
IFFInstitut für Festkörperforschung (German: Institute for Solid State Research)
IFFIraq Freedom Fund
IFFIndice Di Funzionalità Fluviale (Italian: River Functionality Index)
IFFInverness Film Fans (Scotland, UK)
IFFInstitut für Fertigteiltechnik (German: Institute of Precast Technology)
IFFIntrastate Funding Formula
IFFIllegal Foreign Fisher (Australia)
IFFIssued for Fabrication
IFFInformation Flow Framework Language
IFFInternational Flying Farmers
IFFInterferon Fibroblast