INRInternational Normalized Ratio (for blood clotting time)
INRIndia Rupee (Currency Unit, ISO)
INRItem Not Received (sales)
INRBureau of Intelligence and Research (US Department of State)
INRIncrement Register
INRInformation Request
INRInstitute for Natural Resources (various locations/countries)
INRIsrael National Radio
INRInstitute of National Remembrance (Poland)
INRInstitute of Natural Resources (various locations/countries)
INRInvoice Not Received
INRInterference-to-Noise Ratio
INRInsulin-like Receptor
INRInertial Reference
INRIndian National Rupee
INRImage Navigation and Registration
INRImpact Noise Rating
INRIceland NATO Radar
INRInterferometric Radiometer
INRInstitute of Neohellenic Research