INSInertial Navigation System
INSI'm Not Sure
INSInternal Navigation System (US Navy; US DoD)
INSStar Trek: Insurrection (Star Trek movie)
INSInvasive Non-Native Species
INSInternational Network Services (company)
INSInstitute of Nature Study (Japan)
INSInput String
INSInstituto Nacional de Seguros (Costa Rica's insurance institution)
INSInstitutul National de Statistica (Romania)
INSImmigration & Naturalization Service (reorganized in 2003 under DHS, functions divided among USCIS, ICE and CBP)
INSInstitut National de la Statistique (French)
INSInfusion Nurses Society
INSIntegrated Network Solutions
INSInternational News Service
INSI'm Not Stupid
INSIsraeli Navy Ship
INSInformation Systems
INSInstrument Music File
INSInput Stream
INSInteroperable Naming Server
INSInternal Nonhostile Structured
INSInstall Shield
INSInsert Code
INSInternet Sign-up
INSIntelligent Network Server
INSIntelligent Network Services
INSIncrement Stack Pointer
INSInternet Naming Service
INSInternet Communication Settings
INSIntegrated Notification System
INSInstallation Script
INSInternational Neuropsychological Society
INSIn Nomine Satanis (roleplaying game)
INSItchy and Scratchy (The Simpsons)
INSInformation Network System
INSInternational Numbering System
INSindependent news service
INSIndian Newspaper Society (New Delhi, India)
INSIowa Network Services, Inc.
INSIntravenous Nurses Society
INSIndian Naval Ship
INSIdiopathic Nephrotic Syndrome
INSIndie Night School (podcast)
INSIron Soldering
INSIntegrated Netfinity Server
INSIntranasal Steroids
INSIntelligent Notification Services (IBM)
INSInformatics Nurse Specialist (American Nurses Association)
INSIntegrated Network System
INSInterstate Nuclear Services
INSInstitute of Nuclear Studies (Japan)
INSIndirect Sourcing (Nokia)
INSInternet Configuration Settings (file name extension)
INSIntelligent Network Systems
INSInelastic Neutron Scattering/Spectrometer
INSIndependent NECA (National Exchange Carrier Association) Services, Inc.
INSInstitute of National Strategy
INSInstitute of Naval Studies
INSIntegrated Nitrogen System
INSInformation Nurse Specialist
INSImproved NADGE Station
INSIndigenous Names Survey (Canada)
INSInitial Navy Stock
INSInternational Network Solutions, Inc.
INSIntegrated Navigation Set
INSIMF Institute Department (International Monetary Fund)