Acronym | Definition |
INS | Inertial Navigation System |
INS | Insurance |
INS | Instruction |
INS | I'm Not Sure |
INS | Insert |
INS | Inspection |
INS | Insulin |
INS | Insensitive |
INS | Internal Navigation System (US Navy; US DoD) |
INS | Star Trek: Insurrection (Star Trek movie) |
INS | Invasive Non-Native Species |
INS | International Network Services (company) |
INS | Institute of Nature Study (Japan) |
INS | Input String |
INS | Instituto Nacional de Seguros (Costa Rica's insurance institution) |
INS | Institutul National de Statistica (Romania) |
INS | Immigration & Naturalization Service (reorganized in 2003 under DHS, functions divided among USCIS, ICE and CBP) |
INS | Institut National de la Statistique (French) |
INS | Infusion Nurses Society |
INS | Integrated Network Solutions |
INS | International News Service |
INS | I'm Not Stupid |
INS | Israeli Navy Ship |
INS | Information Systems |
INS | Instrument Music File |
INS | Input Stream |
INS | Interoperable Naming Server |
INS | Internal Nonhostile Structured |
INS | Install Shield |
INS | Insert Code |
INS | Internet Sign-up |
INS | Intelligent Network Server |
INS | Intelligent Network Services |
INS | Increment Stack Pointer |
INS | Internet Naming Service |
INS | Internet Communication Settings |
INS | Integrated Notification System |
INS | Installation Script |
INS | International Neuropsychological Society |
INS | In Nomine Satanis (roleplaying game) |
INS | Itchy and Scratchy (The Simpsons) |
INS | Information Network System |
INS | International Numbering System |
INS | independent news service |
INS | Indian Newspaper Society (New Delhi, India) |
INS | Iowa Network Services, Inc. |
INS | Intravenous Nurses Society |
INS | Indian Naval Ship |
INS | Idiopathic Nephrotic Syndrome |
INS | Indie Night School (podcast) |
INS | Iron Soldering |
INS | Integrated Netfinity Server |
INS | Intranasal Steroids |
INS | Intelligent Notification Services (IBM) |
INS | Informatics Nurse Specialist (American Nurses Association) |
INS | Integrated Network System |
INS | Interstate Nuclear Services |
INS | Institute of Nuclear Studies (Japan) |
INS | Indirect Sourcing (Nokia) |
INS | Internet Configuration Settings (file name extension) |
INS | Intelligent Network Systems |
INS | Inelastic Neutron Scattering/Spectrometer |
INS | Independent NECA (National Exchange Carrier Association) Services, Inc. |
INS | Institute of National Strategy |
INS | Institute of Naval Studies |
INS | Integrated Nitrogen System |
INS | Information Nurse Specialist |
INS | Improved NADGE Station |
INS | Indigenous Names Survey (Canada) |
INS | Initial Navy Stock |
INS | International Network Solutions, Inc. |
INS | Integrated Navigation Set |
INS | IMF Institute Department (International Monetary Fund) |