ISSInternational Space Station
ISSInformation Systems Services
ISSInfamous: Second Son (gaming)
ISSInstitute for Security Studies
ISSInternet Security Systems, Inc.
ISSInitial (Execution) Sequence Set
ISSInstitute for Southern Studies
ISSInformation Systems Security
ISSIstituto Superiore di Sanità (Italian National Institute of Health)
ISSImaging Science Subsystem (NASA Cassini mission)
ISSInstruction and Student Services (various schools)
ISSInstitutional Shareholder Services
ISSInstructional Support Services (various locations)
ISSIdea Star Singer (TV reality show; India)
ISSInstallation Support Services
ISSInjury Severity Score
ISSInferred from Sequence Similarity (gene ontology)
ISSIredell-Statesville Schools (Statesville, NC)
ISSIn-School Suspension
ISSInstruction Set Simulator
ISSIndian Springs School (Shelby, AL)
ISSInternational Superstar Soccer (gaming)
ISSInternational Students and Scholars (various schools)
ISSIllinois State Society
ISSInput-to-State Stability (mathematics)
ISSInternational Summer School (various locations)
ISSIndustry Security Services (defense industry, UK)
ISSInnovative Service Solutions (Florida)
ISSInternational Scientific Symposium (various meanings)
ISSImposto Sobre Serviços (Brazilian tax)
ISSInternal Seminar Series (various organizations)
ISSInstitute of Systems Science (National University of Singapore)
ISSInternational Staging System (myeloma)
ISSIonic Silver Stick (antimcrobial device)
ISSInternational Social Service (Switzerland)
ISSInstituto Sedes Sapientiae (Portuguese; Seat of Wisdom Institute; Brazil)
ISSIron and Steel Society
ISSInvestigative Security Services (various companies)
ISSInstitutt for Sosiologi og Samfunnsgeografi (Norwegian: Department of Sociology and Human Geography)
ISSInteraction Sol Structure (French: Soil Structure Interaction)
ISSInsight Software Solutions, Inc.
ISSIstanbul Street Style (Istanbul, Turkey)
ISSInternational Software Solutions (various locations)
ISSIntegrated Summary of Safety (US FDA)
ISSInformation Services and Systems
ISSInternational Student Survey
ISSIntelligent Security Systems (video technology)
ISSIrish and Scottish Studies (UK)
ISSInternational Seapower Symposium (est. 1969)
ISSInstituto de Seguros Sociales (Colombia)
ISSInternational Security Solutions (Washington, DC)
ISSInhibit Symmetric Swapping
ISSInternet Security Systems
ISSImage Symbol Set
ISSIntel Speed Step
ISSInactive Shadow Set
ISSImage Sensor Solutions
ISSIntelligent Storage System
ISSInno Setup Script
ISSInitial Send Sequence
ISSIncome Support Supplement
ISSIntel Solutions Summit
ISSIntegrated Storage Solution
ISSIndustry Standard Servers
ISSIndex Search System
ISSInternational Schools Services (est. 1955; Princeton, NJ)
ISSInjoy Stewardship Services (church capital campaigns; New York)
ISSInstitute of Sustainability Science (Kyoto University; Japan)
ISSIndustry-Supported Symposia
ISSInternet Security Scanner
ISSIn-Store Special (retail)
ISSInfoseek Software Systems (India)
ISSInstitute of Social Sciences
ISSInformation Security Services
ISSInternational Science School (various locations)
ISSIn-Service Support
ISSInno Setup Script (Windows installer program)
ISSIon Scattering Spectroscopy
ISSInternational Shakuhachi Society (Japanese bamboo flute)
ISSInternational Skeletal Society
ISSInternational Satellite Services (Florida)
ISSInternational Society of Surgery
ISSIntegrated Systems Solutions
ISSIntegrated Service Solutions
ISSIntegrated Solutions & Services, Inc. (various locations)
ISSInformation Software Systems (various locations)
ISSInspection Selection System (roadside inspection software system)
ISSInfoxchange Service Seeker (health directory; Australia)
ISSInside Surface
ISSIntegral Shaft Support
ISSInternational Switching Symposium
ISSInternet Success System (business training)
ISSImprinted Sportswear Shows
ISSI'm So Sure
ISSInstitute of Space Science
ISSIntegrated Sounding System
ISSInternational Shorebird Survey (Manomet Observatory, Manomet, MA)
ISSInformation Systems Support, Inc
ISSIntegrated Safety System
ISSIntegrated Survey System
ISSInternal Security Service (Oman)
ISSIntegrated Sensor System
ISSIntelligence Support System
ISSInformation Systems Staff
ISSInput Shaft Speed
ISSIntegrated Server and Storage (various companies)
ISSInter-Satellite Service
ISSInstructional Systems Specialist
ISSIon Scattering Spectrometry
ISSImmigrant Services Society of British Columbia (Canada)
ISSIntel Solution Services
ISSIntegrated Support System
ISSInstant Start System
ISSInternational School of Singapore
ISSIntegrated Space Systems
ISSInteractive Selling System
ISSIntegrated Support Service
ISSImage Stabilization System
ISSInternational Seismological Summary
ISSImpedance Standard Substrate
ISSInternational School Sosua (Dominican Republic)
ISSInternet Sharing Server
ISSIntelligent Software Solutions, Inc (Raleigh, North Carolina)
ISSIntelligent Sensor Systems (Malardalen University; Sweden)
ISSInstrument Support Structure
ISSInformation Sending Signal
ISSIntegrated Switching System
ISSInterim Supply Support
ISSInternational Survivalist Society
ISSInternet Search Service(s)
ISSIsotonic Saline Solution
ISSInstitute of Statistical Science
ISSIris Spinning Stage (US NASA)
ISSIn Stadium Solutions (Coral Springs, FL)
ISSImmunization Services Support (WHO)
ISSIransk­Svenska Solidaritetsföreningen
ISSInstructional Support System
ISSIntelligence Support Squadron
ISSInterim Status Standards
ISSInstrument Sales and Service, Inc.
ISSIndian Staging Section
ISSIntelligence Systems Secretariat
ISSIsuzu Systems Service (Japan)
ISSImperial Star Ship (Star Trek)
ISSIntermediate Service School
ISSInstitute of Software Systems (various locations)
ISSIsotope Separation System
ISSInformation and Systems Society
ISSInternational Shaw Society (est. 2002)
ISSInformation Sharing Session
ISSInsulin Sliding Scale
ISSInternational Soccer Superstar (video game)
ISSImproved Spread Spectrum (watermarking)
ISSInternational School Seychelles (Mahé, Seychelles)
ISSImage Server System
ISSInput Sub System
ISSInternal Secondary Structure
ISSIntegrated Support Station
ISSInformation Systems Squadron
ISSInternational Sales Support
ISSInertial Survey System
ISSInstitute for State Studies
ISSInternational Sanitary Systems
ISSInterservice Supply Support
ISSInteractive Support System
ISSImage Synthesis Services
ISSIntegrated System Support
ISSInformation Superiority and Sensors
ISSInteractive Survivability Simulation
ISSInternational Scoring Systems (Paris, France)
ISSInternational Supply Services (Portsmouth, VA)
ISSIntegrated SS7 Signaling
ISSIntelligent Server Switch (Apache)
ISSInfrared Surveillance Sensor
ISSInfraStructure Systems GmbH (Hanover, Germany)
ISSInterim Safety Supplement
ISSInventory Support Specialist
ISSIntegrated Sealift Study
ISSInstitute of Somatic Sciences
ISSIncoming Signal Strength
ISSIntegrated Start System
ISSIndependent School Services
ISSIngleside State School (Gold Coast, Australia)
ISSInvestment Statistical System
ISSIAIPS Support Services
ISSInformation Sending Service
ISSInfinite Server Station
ISSInternational Settlement System
ISSInfusion Signaling Server
ISSIntegrated System Schedule
ISSIndirect/Inertial Subsystem
ISSInternal Secondary Storage
ISSInitial Shelf Stock