IoHInternet of Health (annual conference)
IoHInstitute of Hospitality (various locations)
IoHIsland of Happiness (Harvest Moon game)
IoHI'm Outta Here
IoHInstitute of Health (University of Warwick; UK)
IoHInput/Output Hub
IoHInstitute of Horticulture
IoHInfinity on High (Fall Out Boy's music album)
IoHInstitute of Hydrology (Wallingford, UK)
IoHInstitute of Occupational Health (University of Birmingham)
IoHInstitute of Heraldry
IoHInteractive Out of Home (marketing)
IoHIndustrial and Organisational Health (UK)
IoHI'm Only Human (Internet slang)
IoHInstructors Of the Handicapped (Manchester, CT)
IoHInstitute of Heartmath (USA)
IoHItem on Hand
IoHImminence of Hostilities