IOIInternational Olympiad in Informatics
IOIIsland of Ireland
IOIInterest on Investment (finance)
IOIInnovative Online Industries
IOIInternational Ocean Institute
IOIIndian Ocean Islands
IOIInstitute of Informatics (various locations)
IOIIndicator of Interest
IOIInternational Ombudsman Institute (Canada)
IOIIndication of Interest
IOIInteruniversitair Oogheelkundig Instituut (Dutch)
IOIIndependent Opportunities, Inc. (Tulsa, OK)
IOIInnovations in Optics, Inc. (Woburn, MA)
IOIIdentity of Interest
IOIItem of Interest
IOIInteronset Interval (music composition)
IOIIsrael Opportunity Investor (blog)
IOIIn Orbit Infrastructure
IOIInterim Operating Instructions
IOIIntegrated Operating Instruction (specifically, how to start up or shut down a nuclear power plant)
IOIItems of Importance
IOIInternal Operating Instruction
IOIInter-Ocular Impact (hits you right between the eyes)
IOIItem of Inspection
IOIInternal Operating Income