Acronym | Definition |
ANC | African National Congress |
ANC | Ancient |
ANC | Asamblea Nacional Constituyente (Spanish: National Constituent Assembly; Guatemala) |
ANC | Advisory Neighborhood Commission (Washington, DC) |
ANC | Assemblea Nacional Catalana (Catalan: Catalan National Assembly) |
ANC | Assainissement Non Collectif (French: Sewerage) |
ANC | Arlington National Cemetery |
ANC | Ames National Corporation (Ames, IA) |
ANC | Absolute Neutrophil Count |
ANC | Ancillary |
ANC | Antenatal Care (aka Antenatal Clinic) |
ANC | Aviate, Navigate, Communicate (aviation) |
ANC | ABS-CBN News Channel (Philippines) |
ANC | Armenian National Committee |
ANC | Anglican Network in Canada |
ANC | Australian Navy Cadet (Australia) |
ANC | All Nations Church (various locations) |
ANC | Announcement Controller |
ANC | Advanced Numeric Control |
ANC | Advanced Network Conference |
ANC | Annual Network Conference |
ANC | Advanced Networking Center |
ANC | Active Noise Cancellation |
ANC | Active Noise Control |
ANC | Army Nurse Corps |
ANC | Acid Neutralizing Capacity |
ANC | Alaska Native Corporation |
ANC | Ayashi No Ceres (anime) |
ANC | Autorité des Normes Comptables (French: Accounting Standards Authority) |
ANC | Academia Nacional de Ciencias (National Academy of Science - Costa Rica) |
ANC | Air Navigation Commission |
ANC | Advisory Neighborhood Commissioners |
ANC | Association of Noise Consultants (UK) |
ANC | America Nuclear Corporation |
ANC | Anchorage, AK, USA - Anchorage International (airport code) |
ANC | All News Channel |
ANC | All Number Calling |
ANC | Access Network Controller |
ANC | Another National Circus |
ANC | American News Company |
ANC | Académie Nationale de Chirurgie |
ANC | African National Committee |
ANC | Annual Network Conference (Canada) |
ANC | American Network Communications |
ANC | Answer Signal, Charge |
ANC | Alianza Nacional Cristiana (National Christian Alliance Party, Costa Rica) |
ANC | Advanced Networking Center (Salzburg Research) |
ANC | Advanced Nodal Code |
ANC | Apport Nutritionnels Conseillés (French: Recommended Dietary Allowance) |
ANC | Allowance Note Code |
ANC | Asociación Nacional Campesina Pro-Tierra (National Association of the Pro-Earth Farmer, Guatemala) |
ANC | Association de Narcolepsie Cataplexie (French: Cataplexy Narcolepsy Association) |
ANC | Armed Native Constabulary (Fiji) |
ANC | Additive-Noise Channel |
ANC | Adaptive Noise Cancellation/Canceler |
ANC | Air Navigational Computer |
ANC | Autoritätii Nationale de Control (Romania) |
ANC | Ashore Navigation Center |