Acronym | Definition |
LCS | Liberty City Stories (Grand Theft Auto game) |
LCS | Laboratory for Computer Science (MIT) |
LCS | Littoral Combat Ship |
LCS | Live Communications Server |
LCS | Lancaster (Amtrak station code; Lancaster, CA) |
LCS | League Championship Series (Baseball) |
LCS | Low Cost (Laser) Seeker |
LCS | League of Legends Championship Series (gaming) |
LCS | Local Control Station (various companies) |
LCS | Launch Control Sysetm |
LCS | Liquid Cooling System |
LCS | Longest-Common-Subsequence (algorithm) |
LCS | Lakeland Christian School (Lakeland, FL) |
LCS | Logic Control System (various companies) |
LCS | Local Coordinate System |
LCS | Last Comic Standing (TV series) |
LCS | Laser Cataract Surgery (eyes) |
LCS | Laboratory for Computer Science |
LCS | Live Call Screening |
LCS | Lan Channel Station |
LCS | Life Cycle Solutions |
LCS | Local Control Software |
LCS | Longest Common Subsequence |
LCS | Location Services (GSM) |
LCS | Lake Country School (various locations) |
LCS | Lynchburg City Schools (Lynchburg, VA) |
LCS | Little Chimp Society |
LCS | Learning Classifier System |
LCS | Lincoln Charter School (North Carolina) |
LCS | Legislative Council Staff (Colorado) |
LCS | LYNX Central Station (transportation; Orlando, FL) |
LCS | Local Comic Shop |
LCS | Least-Cost Selection (finance) |
LCS | Life Cycle Support |
LCS | Life Cycle Sustainment |
LCS | Land Change Science |
LCS | Law Career Services (various schools) |
LCS | Locus of Control Scale (psychology) |
LCS | Liquid Crystal Shutter |
LCS | Languages and Culture Studies (University of North Carolina at Charlotte) |
LCS | Laboratory Control Sample |
LCS | Law on Civil Servants |
LCS | Local Communication System |
LCS | Loyalist Certification Services (Loyalist College; Ontario, Canada) |
LCS | Landing Craft, Support |
LCS | Leachate Collection System (waste management) |
LCS | Labour, Capital and Society (journal; Canada) |
LCS | Liberal Crime Squad (gaming) |
LCS | Low Carbon Steel |
LCS | Laboratory Chemical Safety (various schools) |
LCS | Luxury Cruise Specialist (travel) |
LCS | Laparoscopic Colon Surgery |
LCS | Local Coin Store (various locations) |
LCS | Literary and Cultural Studies |
LCS | Low Contact Stress |
LCS | Lion Country Safari (Florida) |
LCS | Lagrangian Coherent Structures |
LCS | Large Company Stock |
LCS | Linux Compatibility Standard |
LCS | Lithuanian Center Union (Lithuania) |
LCS | Last Cowboy Standing (bull riding competition) |
LCS | Lewis Carroll Society (UK) |
LCS | Land Combat Systems |
LCS | London Controlling Section (WWII British organisation responsible for Military Security, Cryptanalysis and Deception Operations) |
LCS | LAHET Code System |
LCS | Lane Control Signs (intelligent transportation systems) |
LCS | Low Cost Sourcing |
LCS | Lotus Communication Server |
LCS | Las Canas, Costa Rica (Airport code) |
LCS | Lighted Candle Society (anti-pornography society) |
LCS | Lie, Cheat, Steal |
LCS | Littlehampton Community School (UK) |
LCS | Liquid Chalk System |
LCS | Lifetime Cancer Screening |
LCS | Library Circulation System |
LCS | Laser-Compton Scattering (imaging) |
LCS | Lightwave Communication Systems |
LCS | Lynx Certifiable Stack (LynxOS) |
LCS | Large Capacity Storage |
LCS | Limiting Control Settings |
LCS | Last Clan Standing (gaming) |
LCS | Laser Communication System |
LCS | Ladies Charitable Society (UK) |
LCS | Local Cache Server |
LCS | Laser Countermeasure System |
LCS | LCAC Control Ship |
LCS | Libyan Cardiac Society |
LCS | Linfield Christian School (Temucula, California) |
LCS | Low Curie Salt (waste management) |
LCS | Laser Crosslink System |
LCS | Lost Carbonate Sintering (electronic materials) |
LCS | Line Conditioning Signals (ITU-T Rec. T.30) |
LCS | Laboratory Computer System (EPA) |
LCS | Laser Cross Section |
LCS | Local Call Simulator |
LCS | Life Cycle Status |
LCS | Laverda Club Schweiz (German; motorcycle club; Switzerland) |
LCS | Launch Control Station |
LCS | Line Communication Superintendent (Canadian military) |
LCS | Leakage Collection System |
LCS | Left Control Strategy |
LCS | Line-Card-To-Switch Protocol (PMG-Sierra) |
LCS | Locomotive Control System |
LCS | Lightweight Camouflage System |
LCS | Limited Concentrated Sweets (diet) |
LCS | Life Cycle Selling |
LCS | Label Controlled Switch (Cisco) |
LCS | Lifescape Community Services |
LCS | Lake Chelan Shores |
LCS | Large Capitalization Stocks |
LCS | LANTIRN Control Software |
LCS | Low order Connection Supervision (Alcatel) |
LCS | Line Control Shelf (Nokia) |
LCS | Load Carrying Structure |
LCS | Lagawe Central School (Philippines) |
LCS | Low-Cost Sonobuoy/Seeker |
LCS | Local Communications Services (Sprint) |
LCS | Logistics Cost Sharing |
LCS | Loan Consolidation System (US Department of Education) |
LCS | Lexus Customer Service |
LCS | Lamut Central School |