LCSLiberty City Stories (Grand Theft Auto game)
LCSLaboratory for Computer Science (MIT)
LCSLittoral Combat Ship
LCSLive Communications Server
LCSLancaster (Amtrak station code; Lancaster, CA)
LCSLeague Championship Series (Baseball)
LCSLow Cost (Laser) Seeker
LCSLeague of Legends Championship Series (gaming)
LCSLocal Control Station (various companies)
LCSLaunch Control Sysetm
LCSLiquid Cooling System
LCSLongest-Common-Subsequence (algorithm)
LCSLakeland Christian School (Lakeland, FL)
LCSLogic Control System (various companies)
LCSLocal Coordinate System
LCSLast Comic Standing (TV series)
LCSLaser Cataract Surgery (eyes)
LCSLaboratory for Computer Science
LCSLive Call Screening
LCSLan Channel Station
LCSLife Cycle Solutions
LCSLocal Control Software
LCSLongest Common Subsequence
LCSLocation Services (GSM)
LCSLake Country School (various locations)
LCSLynchburg City Schools (Lynchburg, VA)
LCSLittle Chimp Society
LCSLearning Classifier System
LCSLincoln Charter School (North Carolina)
LCSLegislative Council Staff (Colorado)
LCSLYNX Central Station (transportation; Orlando, FL)
LCSLocal Comic Shop
LCSLeast-Cost Selection (finance)
LCSLife Cycle Support
LCSLife Cycle Sustainment
LCSLand Change Science
LCSLaw Career Services (various schools)
LCSLocus of Control Scale (psychology)
LCSLiquid Crystal Shutter
LCSLanguages and Culture Studies (University of North Carolina at Charlotte)
LCSLaboratory Control Sample
LCSLaw on Civil Servants
LCSLocal Communication System
LCSLoyalist Certification Services (Loyalist College; Ontario, Canada)
LCSLanding Craft, Support
LCSLeachate Collection System (waste management)
LCSLabour, Capital and Society (journal; Canada)
LCSLiberal Crime Squad (gaming)
LCSLow Carbon Steel
LCSLaboratory Chemical Safety (various schools)
LCSLuxury Cruise Specialist (travel)
LCSLaparoscopic Colon Surgery
LCSLocal Coin Store (various locations)
LCSLiterary and Cultural Studies
LCSLow Contact Stress
LCSLion Country Safari (Florida)
LCSLagrangian Coherent Structures
LCSLarge Company Stock
LCSLinux Compatibility Standard
LCSLithuanian Center Union (Lithuania)
LCSLast Cowboy Standing (bull riding competition)
LCSLewis Carroll Society (UK)
LCSLand Combat Systems
LCSLondon Controlling Section (WWII British organisation responsible for Military Security, Cryptanalysis and Deception Operations)
LCSLAHET Code System
LCSLane Control Signs (intelligent transportation systems)
LCSLow Cost Sourcing
LCSLotus Communication Server
LCSLas Canas, Costa Rica (Airport code)
LCSLighted Candle Society (anti-pornography society)
LCSLie, Cheat, Steal
LCSLittlehampton Community School (UK)
LCSLiquid Chalk System
LCSLifetime Cancer Screening
LCSLibrary Circulation System
LCSLaser-Compton Scattering (imaging)
LCSLightwave Communication Systems
LCSLynx Certifiable Stack (LynxOS)
LCSLarge Capacity Storage
LCSLimiting Control Settings
LCSLast Clan Standing (gaming)
LCSLaser Communication System
LCSLadies Charitable Society (UK)
LCSLocal Cache Server
LCSLaser Countermeasure System
LCSLCAC Control Ship
LCSLibyan Cardiac Society
LCSLinfield Christian School (Temucula, California)
LCSLow Curie Salt (waste management)
LCSLaser Crosslink System
LCSLost Carbonate Sintering (electronic materials)
LCSLine Conditioning Signals (ITU-T Rec. T.30)
LCSLaboratory Computer System (EPA)
LCSLaser Cross Section
LCSLocal Call Simulator
LCSLife Cycle Status
LCSLaverda Club Schweiz (German; motorcycle club; Switzerland)
LCSLaunch Control Station
LCSLine Communication Superintendent (Canadian military)
LCSLeakage Collection System
LCSLeft Control Strategy
LCSLine-Card-To-Switch Protocol (PMG-Sierra)
LCSLocomotive Control System
LCSLightweight Camouflage System
LCSLimited Concentrated Sweets (diet)
LCSLife Cycle Selling
LCSLabel Controlled Switch (Cisco)
LCSLifescape Community Services
LCSLake Chelan Shores
LCSLarge Capitalization Stocks
LCSLANTIRN Control Software
LCSLow order Connection Supervision (Alcatel)
LCSLine Control Shelf (Nokia)
LCSLoad Carrying Structure
LCSLagawe Central School (Philippines)
LCSLow-Cost Sonobuoy/Seeker
LCSLocal Communications Services (Sprint)
LCSLogistics Cost Sharing
LCSLoan Consolidation System (US Department of Education)
LCSLexus Customer Service
LCSLamut Central School