Acronym | Definition |
ITP | Interactive Telecommunications Program (New York University) |
ITP | Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura |
ITP | Immune Thrombocytopenic Purpura (blood disorder) |
ITP | In This Picture |
ITP | Inside the Park (baseball) |
ITP | Institute of Transpersonal Psychology |
ITP | Industria de Turbo Propulsores (Spanish aeronautical company) |
ITP | Individual Transition Plan |
ITP | Inspectia Tehnica Periodica (Romanian: Technical Inspection) |
ITP | Instituto Tecnologico Pesquero (Spanish: Institute of Fisheries Technology; Peru) |
ITP | International Trade Policy |
ITP | Individual Treatment Plan |
ITP | Incidental Take Permit |
ITP | Industrial Technologies Program (US Department of Energy) |
ITP | Information Technology Professional |
ITP | Intent to Package (computing) |
ITP | Instruction to Proceed |
ITP | i tym podobne (Polish: and the like) |
ITP | Introduction to Programming (course) |
ITP | Individual Training Plan |
ITP | International Tourism Partnership (hotels) |
ITP | It Programmer |
ITP | Internet Protocol |
ITP | in Target Probe |
ITP | Ip Transfer Point |
ITP | Institute for Theoretical Physics |
ITP | Inside the Perimeter |
ITP | Identity Theft Protection (software) |
ITP | Institutional Testing Program (Educational Testing Service) |
ITP | Integral Transformative Practice (ITP International) |
ITP | International Training Program |
ITP | In-Tank Precipitation (nuclear waste) |
ITP | Inside the Pentagon (publication) |
ITP | Individual Training Program |
ITP | Ivory Tower Project (band) |
ITP | Institut Technique du Porc (France) |
ITP | Information Technology Practices |
ITP | Interactive Theorem Proving |
ITP | International Third Position (UK) |
ITP | Initial Training Period (various locations) |
ITP | Independent Transmission Provider (electric power) |
ITP | Infant and Toddler Program (various locations) |
ITP | Irish Takeover Panel (tax) |
ITP | Investigator Training Program (various organizations) |
ITP | Intensive Training Program |
ITP | Immunology Training Program (various organizations) |
ITP | Intrathoracic Pressure |
ITP | Inosine 5'-Triphosphate |
ITP | Islamic Training Programme (Muslim Congress) |
ITP | Inspection Test Plan |
ITP | Insegnante Tecnico Pratico (Italian) |
ITP | Interactive Testing in Psychiatry |
ITP | Intergovernmental Transfer Program (various locations) |
ITP | In-Target Probe |
ITP | Integrated Test Plan |
ITP | Informator Turystyczno Przyrodniczy (Polish: Natural Tourist Information) |
ITP | International Thompson Publishing (publishing company) |
ITP | International Thomson Publishing Company |
ITP | intention to proceed |
ITP | Inspection & Test Plan |
ITP | Improved Transmission Performance |
ITP | International Time Programme |
ITP | Insurance Transparency Project (blog) |
ITP | Internationally Trained Professional (Canada) |
ITP | Interoperability Test Panel |
ITP | Innovative Technologies in Print (Elizabethtown, PA) |
ITP | Index of Technical Publications |
ITP | Integrated Test Program |
ITP | International Thyroid Project |
ITP | ISHM Testbed and Prototypes |
ITP | Integrated Terminal Program |
ITP | Iwmi - Tata Program |
ITP | Induction Thermal Plasma |
ITP | Increment Training Plan |
ITP | Internet Technique Provider |
ITP | Installation Transition Processing |
ITP | Insane Taco Plan (gaming clan) |
ITP | Instrumental Teaching Provision (WMBC) |
ITP | Internal Transfer Price |
ITP | Initial Trials Phase |
ITP | Interface Test Program |
ITP | Invitation to Propose |
ITP | Implementation Training Package |
ITP | Integrated Test Package |
ITP | Individual Training Proposal |
ITP | Inkjet Technology Platforms |
ITP | IML (Information Markup Language) Transport Protocol (for Simputer) |
ITP | Interoperability Test Program |
ITP | Integrated Transport Platform |
ITP | Initial Target Profit (government contracting) |
ITP | Instructional Technology Project (various locations) |
ITP | Interruption to Production (productivity analysis) |
ITP | IPv6 Transition Plan |
ITP | Italian Tolkien Page |
ITP | Inspection Test Procedure |