ITRIn the Rooms (recovery network)
ITRInformações Trimestrais (Brazilian financial quarterly)
ITRIncome Tax Return
ITRIntegra Type R (Acura automobile)
ITRInternet Threat Report
ITRInternal Throughput Rate
ITRInput Throughput Rate
ITRInformation Transfer Rate (brain-computer interface assessment)
ITRInternational Telecommunications Regulations (World Administrative Telegraph and Telephone Conference)
ITRIn the Red (record label)
ITRInternational Translation Resources (UK)
ITRInverted Terminal Repeat (gene sequence)
ITRInformation Technology Research
ITRInternet Talk Radio
ITRInformation Technology Resources
ITRIndependent Technical Review
ITRInpatient Treatment Report
ITRInstitute for Telecommunications Research (Adelaide, South Australia)
ITRInternet Traffic Report
ITRIndemnité Temporaire de Retraite (French: Temporary Retirement Allowance)
ITRIndustry Technology Roadmap (various organizations)
ITRInvestigational Trials Resource (Helen Diller Family Comprehensive Cancer Center; San Francisco, CA)
ITRInflation Targeting Regime (economics)
ITRInstitute for Technological Research (various locations)
ITRIndustry, Tourism and Resources (Australia)
ITRIndividual Training Record (various locations)
ITRInstitute for Tuberculosis Research (Univesity of Illinois at Chicago)
ITRIndustrial to Residential (zoning)
ITRInformation, Ticketing and Registration
ITRInvisible Thread Reel (levitation magic tricks device)
ITRInfantry Training Regiment
ITRInvitation To Register (Interest)
ITRInstitut du Transport Routier (Belgium)
ITRItchy Tasty Records (record label; Los Angeles, CA)
ITRInside Texas Running (periodical)
ITRInput Transaction Record
ITRInformation Technology Review
ITRImproved TARTAR Retrofit
ITRInformation Technology Representative
ITRIndependent Tank Regiment
ITRInnovative Technology Requirement (environment)
ITRInterpolation Timing Recovery
ITRIneligible to Re-Register (college)
ITRInternal Transfer Rate (Seagate)
ITRInspection and Test Records
ITRIntegrated Test Requirements
ITRIntegrated Technology Rotor
ITRInternal Transfer Report
ITRIntermediate Care Nursery
ITRInstrumented Test Range
ITRIntelligent Transaction Router (Delta)
ITRInventory Turn Rate
ITRInternational Trade Resources LLC (Washington, DC)
ITRIssue Tracking Request
ITRInstrument Technical Room
ITRInstitute of Tobacco Research
ITRIndependent Telephone Research (California)
ITRIrrevocable Trust Receipt
ITRIndustrial Technology Reliability Company (Bethlehem, PA)
ITRIndividual Tailored Roadmap (NATO)
ITRInstallation Technical Representative (contract services; US DoD)