Acronym | Definition |
ICR | Information Collection Request |
ICR | Institute for Creation Research |
ICR | Institute of Cancer Research (Canada) |
ICR | Internet Relay Chat (protocol) |
ICR | Ion Cyclotron Resonance (mass-spectrometry) |
ICR | Intelligent Character Recognition |
ICR | Information Collection Rule |
ICR | Issuer Credit Rating |
ICR | Interest Coverage Ratio (accounting) |
ICR | I Can Relate |
ICR | Integrative Cancer Research |
ICR | Indirect Cost Recovery (various organizations) |
ICR | Interquartile Range (statistics) |
ICR | International Communications Research |
ICR | Institute of Clinical Research (Buckinghamshire, UK) |
ICR | Insolvency and Creditor Rights (World Bank) |
ICR | Intel Cluster Ready |
ICR | Institute of Cetacean Research (Japan) |
ICR | Income Contingent Repayment (student financial aid) |
ICR | Interfacial Contact Resistanace |
ICR | Implementation Completion Report (World Bank) |
ICR | Internal Control Review (various organizations) |
ICR | International Competition Rules |
ICR | I Can't Remember |
ICR | Institute for Chemical Research (Kyoto University, Japan) |
ICR | Indirect Cost Rate |
ICR | International Collaborative Research (various locations) |
ICR | Institute for Community Research (Hartford, CT) |
ICR | Institute for Cardiovascular Research (various universities) |
ICR | In Class Resource (various schools) |
ICR | Imprinting Control Region (genetics) |
ICR | Image-Character Recognition |
ICR | Infocom Research, Inc. (Japan) |
ICR | Initial Cell Rate |
ICR | International Christian Relief (World Council of Independent Christian Churches) |
ICR | International Corporate Responsibility |
ICR | Industrial Cases Reports (UK) |
ICR | Interference Cancellation Ratio (signal processing) |
ICR | Investment Credit (IRS) |
ICR | International Congress of Refrigeration |
ICR | Intelligent Call Router |
ICR | Industrial Control Repair, Inc. (Warren, MI) |
ICR | Inventory Change Report |
ICR | Inconsistency Report (US Marine Corps) |
ICR | Intercultural Resources (Indian organization) |
ICR | Indemnité de Changement de Résidence (French: Change of Residence Allowance; various organizations) |
ICR | Industrial Cost Recovery |
ICR | Industrial Commercial Residential |
ICR | Initial Confirmation Review |
ICR | Individual Census Report |
ICR | Inter-Cooled Recuperated (gas turbine engine) |
ICR | Incident Complaint Report (US Navy Police) |
ICR | Instituut voor Criminaliteitsbeheersing en Recherchekunde (Institute for Criminal Investigation and Crime Science, Zutphen, Netherlands) |
ICR | International Commerce Review (publication) |
ICR | In-Circuit Reconfigurable |
ICR | In-Country Review |
ICR | Independent Cost Review |
ICR | Institute for Cooperative Research |
ICR | Incentivo Para la Capitalización Rural (Spanish) |
ICR | Integrated Cancellation Ratio |
ICR | Interactive Color Raster Graphics (through TELNET, for example) |
ICR | Investigation Continuation Review |
ICR | Interface Change Request |
ICR | Intelligence Collection Requirement |
ICR | Integrating Contractor Representative |
ICR | Inter-City Relay Station |
ICR | Instrument Command Request |
ICR | Incomplete Cyclic Reduction |
ICR | Interexchange Carrier Representative |
ICR | Injector Control Room |
ICR | Interactive Compliance Research |
ICR | International Centre of Roerichs (Moscow, Russian Federation) |
ICR | Internationale Commissie ter Bescherming van de Rijn (Dutch: International Commission for the Protection of the Rhine against Pollution) |
ICR | Interim Change Request |
ICR | Internal Contact Report |
ICR | Inertial Confinement Fusion Reactor |
ICR | Item Control Recommendation |
ICR | Intercentile Range (statistics) |
ICR | Intrasomal Corneal Ring (refractive vision correction) |
ICR | Ioannis Casimir Rex (Polish King; 17th Century) and a play on words: Initium Calamitatis Regni (beginning of the countries mishap) |
ICR | International Communications Recorder |
ICR | Internet Core Routers |
ICR | Insulated Conductor Rotation |