ICRDInternational Center for Religion and Diplomacy
ICRDInternational Cooperation and Research Division (Japan)
ICRDInstitute for Child Rights and Development (University of Victoria, British Columbia, Canada)
ICRDInstitute for Community Resource Development (Chicago, Illinois)
ICRDIntegrated Coastal Resources Database
ICRDIredell County Recreation Department (North Carolina)
ICRDIntegrated Cassava Research and Development (Colombia)
ICRDInformation and Community Relations Department (Makati, Philippines)
ICRDInformation Centre for Rare Diseases
ICRDInternetwork Call Redirection and Deflection
ICRDInternational Cooperative Research and Development
ICRDInternational Center for Research and Development
ICRDInternational Convention on Racial Discrimination
ICRDIndustrial Commission Rehabilitation Division (Idaho)
ICRDInternational Committee for Relief and Development (China)
ICRDInstitute for CorTexT Research and Development
ICRDInternational Center for Research on Development (Canada)
ICRDIndustrial Consultancy Research and Development (India)
ICRDIndonesia Chamber of Resources Development
ICRDInterface Control Requirements Document
ICRDInformation and Community Relations Division (Hong Kong)
ICRDInternational Consumers' Rights Day
ICRDIsland Club Resort Development
ICRDInternational Conflict Resolution Discourse
ICRDInfection Control Roll Dispenser (Richmond Dental Co.)