Acronym | Definition |
ACT | American College Test |
ACT | Active |
ACT | Activity |
ACT | Actual |
ACT | American College Testing |
ACT | Arms Control Today (magazine) |
ACT | Action by Churches Together |
ACT | Active (Telabs) |
ACT | Australian Capital Territory (Australian state/territory) |
ACT | Actual (Sprint) |
ACT | Actor |
ACT | American Council for Technology |
ACT | Ancestors |
ACT | Activation |
ACT | Active Control Technology |
ACT | Application Compatibility Toolkit |
ACT | Allied Command Transformation |
ACT | Assertive Community Treatment |
ACT | America Coming Together |
ACT | Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (clinical psychology) |
ACT | Advanced Clutch Technology (automobile) |
ACT | American Conservatory Theater (Repertory Theatre Company In San Francisco, CA) |
ACT | Association for Competitive Technology |
ACT | Action Tracking |
ACT | Action for Children's Television |
ACT | Assessment and Care Team (various locations) |
ACT | Amazon Conservation Team |
ACT | Alliance for Coastal Technologies (NOAA funded partnership) |
ACT | About Clinical Trials |
ACT | Advisory Committee on Technology (various organizations) |
ACT | Academy of Cognitive Therapy (est. 1996) |
ACT | Accounting Division |
ACT | Anglican Church of Tanzania |
ACT | Anti-Car Theft |
ACT | Academy of Cinema and Television |
ACT | American College of Toxicology (Bethesda, MD) |
ACT | Asthma Control Test (QualityMetric, Inc.) |
ACT | A Contemporary Theatre (Seattle, WA, USA) |
ACT | Activated Clotting Time |
ACT | Artemisinin-Based Combination Therapy |
ACT | Association for Commuter Transportation |
ACT | Apple Certified Trainer (computing) |
ACT | Australian Competition Tribunal (trade practices) |
ACT | Association for Children's Palliative Care (Bristol, UK) |
ACT | Aerated Compost Tea |
ACT | AIDS Committee of Toronto (Canada) |
ACT | Anesthesia Care Team |
ACT | Anger Control Training (various organizations) |
ACT | Animal Care Trust (various locations) |
ACT | Accelerated Corrosion Test |
ACT | American Congress for Truth |
ACT | All Century Team (sports) |
ACT | Adenylate Cyclase Toxin (infectious disease) |
ACT | Association of Corporate Treasurers |
ACT | Advanced Concept Technology |
ACT | Alternative Construction Technologies, Inc. (Melbourne, FL) |
ACT | Advanced Computer Technology |
ACT | All Community Team (various organizations) |
ACT | Application Center Test (Microsoft) |
ACT | Area Community Theatre (various locations) |
ACT | Advisory Committee on Tax Exempt and Government Entities (US IRS) |
ACT | Advanced Conversion Technology |
ACT | Algorithms and Computational Theory |
ACT | Advance Corporation Tax |
ACT | Active Cylinder Technology (automotive) |
ACT | Access Control Table |
ACT | Advanced Construction Techniques (various locations) |
ACT | Advanced Cell Technology Inc. (cloning research company) |
ACT | Advanced Clutch Technology |
ACT | Office Actor |
ACT | Absolute Character Tools |
ACT | Autonomic Computing Toolkit |
ACT | Automatic Code Translation |
ACT | Applied Computerized Telephony |
ACT | Activate |
ACT | Audio Connect |
ACT | Application Center Test |
ACT | Apple Certified Trainer |
ACT | Adobe Color Table |
ACT | Australia Central Time |
ACT | All Computer Technology |
ACT | Asynchronous Communication Terminal |
ACT | Access Control Toolkit |
ACT | Association for Computers and Taxation (Warwick, NY) |
ACT | American Cabaret Theatre (Indianapolis, IN) |
ACT | Airway Clearance Technique (cystic fibrosis) |
ACT | Automation and Control Technology, Inc. (various locations) |
ACT | Atheist Community of Tulsa (Tulsa, OK) |
ACT | Arts & Culture Trust (South Africa) |
ACT | Advanced Communication Technology |
ACT | African Continuum Theatre (Washington, DC) |
ACT | Automated Confirmation Transaction Service (NASD) |
ACT | Association of Commercial Television in Europe (Brussels, Belgium) |
ACT | Artery Clearance Therapy (cardiology) |
ACT | Association of Civilian Technicians |
ACT | Adaptive Computing Technology |
ACT | Accurate Complete Timely |
ACT | Advanced Concepts Team (European Space Agency) |
ACT | Adaptive Control of Thought |
ACT | Average Cycle Time |
ACT | Alliance for Cannabis Therapeutics |
ACT | Air Cargo Terminal |
ACT | Alliance for Children and Television (Canada) |
ACT | Acoustical Ceiling Tile |
ACT | Advanced Concepts and Technology (US Army) |
ACT | Agents Council for Technology Act (insurance; ecommerce) |
ACT | Alliance of Concerned Teachers (Philippines) |
ACT | Apologetics Coordination Team |
ACT | Artist Trading Card |
ACT | Air Charge Temperature (automotive sensor) |
ACT | Advanced Corporation Tax |
ACT | Association of Consumers and Taxpayers (New Zealand political party) |
ACT | All Congregations Together (San Diego, CA) |
ACT | Adaptive Character of Thought-Rational (artificial intelligence) |
ACT | Air Combat Tactics |
ACT | Attitude Control Thrusters |
ACT | Aircrew Coordination Training |
ACT | Automatic Custody Transfer |
ACT | A-Changin' Times (blog) |
ACT | Aid for College Tuition |
ACT | All Children Together (Northern Ireland) |
ACT | Abington Community Taskforce (Abington, PA) |
ACT | Association for Citizenship Teaching (UK) |
ACT | American College of Theriogenologists |
ACT | Anacortes Community Theater (Anacortes, WA) |
ACT | At-Risk Adult Crime Tactics (training program) |
ACT | Adult Crime Tactics (Georgia Department of Human Services) |
ACT | Acyl-CoA Thioester Hydrolase |
ACT | Annual Change Traffic |
ACT | Alternative Control Technology |
ACT | Advanced Capacitor Technologies (Japan) |
ACT | Association of Christian Therapists |
ACT | Auto Club Turkey |
ACT | Association of Classroom Teachers |
ACT | Arbre À Cames En Tête (French: overhead camshaft) |
ACT | Advanced Composites Technology |
ACT | Advanced Coating Technology (for chemical resistant labels) |
ACT | Aden Container Terminal |
ACT | Active Citizenship Today (Constitutional Rights Foundation) |
ACT | Autoridad de Carreteras y Transportación (Spanish) |
ACT | Advance Corporate Tax |
ACT | Activator of CREM in Testis |
ACT | Alliance for Converging Technologies (now called Digital 4Sight) |
ACT | Acoustic Charge Transport |
ACT | Advanced Corporate Tax |
ACT | Advanced Configuration Tool |
ACT | Agenda for Children Tomorrow (New York City program) |
ACT | Abuse Counseling and Treatment, Inc. |
ACT | Alliance for Competitive Telecommunications |
ACT | Actual Cycle Time |
ACT | Activated Complex Theory |
ACT | Asahikawa Cable Television (Japan) |
ACT | Air Control Team |
ACT | Axial Computed Tomography |
ACT | Asociación de Clubes de Traineras (Spanish: Boat-Racing Clubs Association) |
ACT | Advance Computer Technology (Program) |
ACT | Alabama–Coosa–Tallapoosa River Basin Compact |
ACT | Activity Bit |
ACT | Alachua Conservation Trust (Florida, USA) |
ACT | Applied Creative Technologies |
ACT | Atmospheric Chemical-Transport |
ACT | Waco, TX, USA - Madison Cooper (Airport Code) |
ACT | Analysis Control Team |
ACT | Alliance for Community Transformation (Lagos, Nigeria) |
ACT | African Conservation Trust |
ACT | Alternating Current Transformer |
ACT | Approach Control Tower (aviation) |
ACT | Architecture Characterization Template |
ACT | Apollo Civic Theatre |
ACT | American Cell Technology |
ACT | Access Control Technologies, Inc. |
ACT | Alternate Cover Test (ophthalmology) |
ACT | Amarillo City Transit |
ACT | Aomori Cable Television (Japan) |
ACT | Advanced Concepts and Technologies International, LLC |
ACT | Action for Conservation through Tourism (UK) |
ACT | Associated Conservatives of Texas |
ACT | Applied Computerized Telephony (HP) |
ACT | Application Center for Technology |
ACT | Asociación de Cooperación Tecnica (Technical Cooperation Association, Guatemala) |
ACT | Activity Coordination Team |
ACT | Additional Centre Tank |
ACT | Acquisition Coordination Team |
ACT | Aromatherapy Conference Tours |
ACT | Actual Cost of Testing |
ACT | Active Control Technique |
ACT | African-American Collective Theater (Washington, DC) |
ACT | Advantage Coaching and Training |
ACT | Air Cherenkov Telescope |
ACT | American Combat Teams |
ACT | Advertising Club of Toronto |
ACT | Advance Corporate Training Ltd. |
ACT | Action Collaboration Team |
ACT | Algebraic Compiler and Translator |
ACT | Advocacy, Communications, and Training |
ACT | Advanced Component Technologies, Inc. |
ACT | Asynchronous Control Transfer |
ACT | Americans for Competitive Telecommunications |
ACT | Atmospheric Corrosion Testing |
ACT | Advanced CMOS, TTL Compatible (integrated circuit type description) |
ACT | Actual Control Technology |
ACT | American Corporations for Thailand |
ACT | Accounting, Consulting & Training |
ACT | Advanced Concepts Test |
ACT | Academy of the Company Theatre (Norwell, MA) |
ACT | Account Control Table |
ACT | Aircrew Combative Training (AirCare International Ltd.) |
ACT | AIDS Counseling and Training |
ACT | Automatic Call Tracking (Sprint) |
ACT | Analysis Compliance & Training |
ACT | Absolute Congestion Threshold (Newbridge) |
ACT | Administrative Council Team |
ACT | Analysis of Complexity Tool |
ACT | Air Contract Transportation Tag (US postal service) |
ACT | Aluminum Clay Tool (well logging) |
ACT | Advanced Cordless Technologies (Europe) |
ACT | Americans for Conservative Training (grassroots political organization) |
ACT | Agape Copeland Train (South Africa) |
ACT | Airborne Communications Terminal |
ACT | Automatic Cobb Tester (water uptake tester) |
ACT | Arctic Cat Technology |
ACT | Augmented Catalytic Thruster |
ACT | Arkansas CAMA Technology, Inc (Hot Springs, AR) |
ACT | Anagram and Copy Treatment (speech-language pathology) |
ACT | Association of Cleaning Technicians (NJ, NY, PA, CT, MD, VA) |
ACT | Altitude Compensated Tilt |
ACT | Assisted Communication Transactions |
ACT | Advanced Capability Tanker |
ACT | Activities, Contacts, Time (Symantec contact manager software) |
ACT | Automatic Code Translator |
ACT | Advanced Computer Techniques, Inc |
ACT | Advanced Communications Transceiver |
ACT | Acquisition Coordinating Team |
ACT | Active Charge Transport |
ACT | Advanced Core Test |
ACT | Adaptive Client Technology (Rockwell) |
ACT | Advanced Cargo Transport |
ACT | Analyst Control Terminal |
ACT | Armored Cavalry Trainer |
ACT | Advanced Customer Testing |
ACT | Automated Coordinate Transfer |
ACT | Airborne Communications Technician |
ACT | Account Contact Tool |
ACT | Attack Cycle Timeline (timed events required to attack a target) |
ACT | Automated Control of Trainees |
ACT | Apache Crew Trainer |
ACT | Access Charge Terminal |
ACT | Advanced Channelized Transmission |
ACT | Air Controlman (Tower) Petty Officer (US Navy rank) |
ACT | Application Centric Terminal (IBM) |
ACT | Alliance for Conflict and Transformation (Alexandria, Virginia) |
ACT | Analytical Coordinated Team |
ACT | Advanced Carbide Test |
ACT | Analog Cordless Telecommunications |
ACT | Accumulated Cell Time |
ACT | Automatic Calibration using Transmitting signals |
ACT | Allentown College Theater |
ACT | Aqueous Catch Tank |
ACT | Air Correlation Tracker |
ACT | Association pour l'Amélioration des Conditions de Travail (French: Association for the Improvement of Working Conditions) |
ACT | Applied Cable Technologies (Orlando, FL) |
ACT | Analytical Cold Trap |
ACT | Advanced Countermeasure(s) Technique(s) |
ACT | Alabama Contemporary Theater |
ACT | Arte, Color Y Texto (Spanish: Art, Color and Text; Guatemala) |