ACTAAnti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement
ACTAAcetic Acid
ACTAAmerican Council of Trustees and Alumni
ACTAAcademisch Centrum Tandheelkunde Amsterdam (Amsterdam Academic Centre for Dentistry, Holland)
ACTAAssociation de Coordination Technique Agricole (France)
ACTAAdministrative Council for Terminal Attachments
ACTAAlameda Corridor Transportation Authority (California)
ACTAActin Assembly-Inducing Protein (protein)
ACTAAssociation of Canadian Travel Agents
ACTAAgainst Cruelty to Animals
ACTAAmerica's Carriers Telecommunications Association
ACTAAssociation Canadienne des Troubles Anxieux (French: Anxiety Disorders Association of Canada)
ACTAAlameda County Transportation Authority
ACTAAllensbacher Computer- und Telekommunikations-Analyse (German: computer and telecommunications analysis of Allensbach)
ACTAAlliance of Canadian Travel Associations
ACTAAir Traffic Control Association
ACTAAssociation of Cardiothoracic Anaesthetists (United Kingdom)
ACTAAnti-Corruption and Anti-Trafficking Action
ACTAAdvanced Combat Training Academy
ACTAAustralian Chemical Trauma Alliance, Inc.
ACTAAmerican Chungdokwan Taekwondo Association
ACTAAustralian Telescope Compact Array
ACTAAmerican Community Theatre Association (now American Association of Community Theatre)
ACTAArkansas Cable Telecommunications Association
ACTAAustralia Clay Target Association
ACTAArlington County Tennis Association (Virginia)
ACTAAnglo-Catholic Church in the Americas
ACTAAlameda Corridor Transportation Agency
ACTAAcces Creativity Theatre Arts (Bristol England community theatre)
ACTAAlabama Cable Telecommunications Association