NIPNeural Information Processing
NIPNational Immunization Program
NIPNude in Public
NIPNothing in Particular
NIPNumer Identyfikacji Podatkowej (Polish: Tax Identification Number)
NIPNational Intelligence Program
NIPNew in Package (collectors; auctions)
NIPNetwork Inference and Prediction
NIPNon Impact Printer
NIPNetworks in Package
NIPNetwork Interface Plug-in
NIPNitro Interconnect Protocol
NIPNew Industrial Policy (economic development)
NIPNational Indicative Programme
NIPNotice of Intended Prosecution (UK)
NIPNursing in Public
NIPNeighborhood Investment Program (various locations)
NIPNon-Injurious Price (trade)
NIPNutritional Information Panel (various locations)
NIPNeighborhood Improvement Program
NIPNormal Incidence Pyrheliometer (meteorology)
NIPNinjas in Pyjamas (gaming; Sweden)
NIPNaval Intelligence Professionals
NIPNational Immigration Project (Boston, MA)
NIPNurse Intern Program (military training)
NIPNetwork Information Project (now Nuclear Information Service; UK)
NIPNucleus Initialization Program (IBM)
NIPNon-Internet Public (Federal Energy Regulatory Commission)
NIPNew Ireland Province
NIPNational Implementation Plan for the War on Terror
NIPNetwork Implementation Plan
NIPNumismatici Italiani Professionisti
NIPNuke Integration Project (open source software)
NIPNo Information Provided
NIPNegative Inspiratory Pressure
NIPNumber Identification Presentation
NIPNatural Interest Person (US DoD)
NIPNitro Interconnect Protocol (Cisco)
NIPNet Income Percentage
NIPNotice of Intelligence Potential
NIPNetwork Input Processor
NIPNATO Interoperability Plan
NIPNuclear Intelligence Panel
NIPNegative Ion Plasma
NIPNew Ideas Program
NIPNear-Term Improvement Program
NIPNeoplasia Intra-Epitelial do Pénis (Portugese)
NIPNotice of Intent To Purchase
NIPNew Investment Programme
NIPNumero de Identification Personel
NIPNotice of Intent to Plead