Acronym | Definition |
NIP | Nipple |
NIP | Neural Information Processing |
NIP | National Immunization Program |
NIP | Nude in Public |
NIP | Nothing in Particular |
NIP | Numer Identyfikacji Podatkowej (Polish: Tax Identification Number) |
NIP | National Intelligence Program |
NIP | New in Package (collectors; auctions) |
NIP | Network Inference and Prediction |
NIP | Non Impact Printer |
NIP | Networks in Package |
NIP | Network Interface Plug-in |
NIP | Nitro Interconnect Protocol |
NIP | New Industrial Policy (economic development) |
NIP | National Indicative Programme |
NIP | Notice of Intended Prosecution (UK) |
NIP | Nursing in Public |
NIP | Neighborhood Investment Program (various locations) |
NIP | Non-Injurious Price (trade) |
NIP | Nutritional Information Panel (various locations) |
NIP | Neighborhood Improvement Program |
NIP | Normal Incidence Pyrheliometer (meteorology) |
NIP | Ninjas in Pyjamas (gaming; Sweden) |
NIP | Naval Intelligence Professionals |
NIP | National Immigration Project (Boston, MA) |
NIP | Nurse Intern Program (military training) |
NIP | Network Information Project (now Nuclear Information Service; UK) |
NIP | Nucleus Initialization Program (IBM) |
NIP | Non-Internet Public (Federal Energy Regulatory Commission) |
NIP | New Ireland Province |
NIP | National Implementation Plan for the War on Terror |
NIP | Network Implementation Plan |
NIP | Numismatici Italiani Professionisti |
NIP | Nuke Integration Project (open source software) |
NIP | No Information Provided |
NIP | Negative Inspiratory Pressure |
NIP | Number Identification Presentation |
NIP | Natural Interest Person (US DoD) |
NIP | Nitro Interconnect Protocol (Cisco) |
NIP | Net Income Percentage |
NIP | Notice of Intelligence Potential |
NIP | Network Input Processor |
NIP | NATO Interoperability Plan |
NIP | Nuclear Intelligence Panel |
NIP | Negative Ion Plasma |
NIP | New Ideas Program |
NIP | Near-Term Improvement Program |
NIP | Neoplasia Intra-Epitelial do Pénis (Portugese) |
NIP | Notice of Intent To Purchase |
NIP | New Investment Programme |
NIP | Numero de Identification Personel |
NIP | Notice of Intent to Plead |