Acronym | Definition |
NES | Nintendo Entertainment System |
NES | National Evaluation Systems, Inc. |
NES | Nutrition and Exercise Science |
NES | Nightmare on Elm Street |
NES | Natural and Environmental Sciences |
NES | Nuclear Export Signal |
NES | Nashville Electric Service |
NES | National Employment Standards (Australia) |
NES | New English School (various locations) |
NES | National Environmental Significance (Australia) |
NES | National Environmental Standards (New Zealand) |
NES | National Enterprise Systems |
NES | New Egypt Speedway (New Jersey) |
NES | Norton Elementary School (Norton, VA) |
NES | Netscape Enterprise Server (Netscape Communications Corporation) |
NES | Network Elements |
NES | Netscape Enterprise Server |
NES | Network Edge Switch |
NES | National Election Studies |
NES | New Equipment Sales |
NES | Night Eating Syndrome (eating disorder) |
NES | Non English Speaking |
NES | Not Elsewhere Specified (shipping) |
NES | Never Ending Story |
NES | Near-Earth Space |
NES | NASA Explorer School |
NES | National Education Strategy (various locations) |
NES | NACUBO (National Association of College and University Business Officers) Endowment Study |
NES | North East Sector (UK) |
NES | National Evaluation Service |
NES | National Eczema Society (London, UK) |
NES | New England Securities (New York, NY) |
NES | Nutrition Education Services (various locations) |
NES | New Export System (UK) |
NES | National Energy Strategy |
NES | National Export Strategy |
NES | Network Enabled Server |
NES | Never Ever Sleep (gaming) |
NES | Not Even Started (crafters project status) |
NES | National Educational Service |
NES | Network Encryption System |
NES | No Exchange Server |
NES | Nigerian Economic Society |
NES | Nihonkai Environmental Service (Japan) |
NES | National Enuresis Society |
NES | Non Epileptic Seizure |
NES | News Electronic Service |
NES | Nuclear Energy Safety |
NES | National Exploitation System |
NES | Novel Engineering Solutions (various organizations) |
NES | Natural Environment Study |
NES | Northfield Elementary School (USA) |
NES | Network Element System (Sprint) |
NES | Noise Equivalent Signal |
NES | Nuclear Engineering Section |
NES | National Educational Seminar |
NES | National Education Summit |
NES | National English School (Amman, Jordan) |
NES | Navy Exchange Services |
NES | NIMA Exploitation System |
NES | National Environmental Strategies, Inc. |
NES | Nottingham Emmanuel School |
NES | Navy Enlisted Personnel System |
NES | NSA Enterprise Solutions |
NES | Net External Sales (German: Nettofremdumsatz) |
NES | National Encryption System |
NES | NATO Electronic Warfare Support Measures System |
NES | Northpoint Energy Solutions, Inc |
NES | Network Event Summary |
NES | Normalized Error Squared |
NES | Navy Experimenting Station |
NES | Network Element Synthesis (Alactel) |
NES | Nanoparticle-Enhanced Spectroscopy |
NES | Network Enabled Solution (Cisco) |
NES | Network Edge Solutions (software solutions that reside at the point of interface) |
NES | Nascom Event Schedule |
NES | Norwegian Electric Systems |