IASHIsrael Academy of Sciences and Humanities
IASHInstitute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities
IASHInternet Advertising Sales House
IASHIsrael Association of Software Houses
IASHInter-American Society of Hypertension
IASHInternational Association of Scientific Hydrology
IASHInternational Association for Small Hydro (India)
IASHInternational Association for the Stability, Handling and Use of Liquid Fuels
IASHI Am So Horny
IASHIndependent Audit of Spectrum Holdings (UK)
IASHInstitute for Advanced Studies of Health
IASHIdeal American Stock Horse
IASHImproved Army Space Heater (US Army)
IASHInternational Academy of Somatic Harmonization
IASHIndo-American Senior Heritage (Artesia, CA)