Acronym | Definition |
MAAP | Multi-Annual Action Plan (Shift2Rail; EU) |
MAAP | Ministère de l'Alimentation, de l'Agriculture, et de la Pêche (French: Ministry of Food, Agriculture, and Fisheries) |
MAAP | Maritime Academy of Asia and the Pacific (Bataan, Philippines) |
MAAP | Master Air Attack Plan |
MAAP | Movement Activist Apprenticeship Program |
MAAP | Minnesota Association of Alternative Programs |
MAAP | More advanced individuals with Autism, Asperger syndrome, and Pervasive developmental disorder (Crown Point, Indiana) |
MAAP | Milan Army Ammunition Plant |
MAAP | Multiple Arbitrary Amplicon Profiling |
MAAP | Most Active Americans Panel (database) |
MAAP | Microcomputer Accident Analysis Package |
MAAP | Mission Assurance Analysis Protocol |
MAAP | Modular Accident Analysis Program (Fauske and Associates, Inc.) |
MAAP | Mexican American Alcoholism Program, Inc (Sacramento, CA) |
MAAP | Managed Asset Allocation Program |
MAAP | Mobile Affiliate Advertising Program (Artisan Live) |
MAAP | Maintenance And Administration Panel |
MAAP | Multiple Artist Ambient Project (interactive musical ensemble) |
MAAP | Mini Architectural Adapter Plate (Extron) |
MAAP | Medical Architecture and Art Projects (London, England, UK) |
MAAP | Material Access Authorization Program |
MAAP | Maximum Allowable Accumulated Pressure |
MAAP | Member American Academy of Periodontology |
MAAP | Maa AIDS Awareness Programme (Kenya) |
MAAP | Management of Audit and Accountancy Practice |
MAAP | Minimum Allowable Advertised Price |