ANFAustralian Nursing Federation
ANFAbercrombie and Fitch (stock symbol)
ANFAllegheny National Forest (Pennsylvania)
ANFAuditory Nerve Fiber
ANFAtrial Natriuretic Factor
ANFAnte-Nicene Fathers (collection of early Christrian writings)
ANFAl-Noor Foundation (Pakistan)
ANFAmerican Nurses Foundation
ANFAngeles National Forest (California)
ANFAssessing the New Federalism
ANFAmerican Nicaraguan Foundation
ANFApalachicola National Forest (Florida)
ANFAssociation d'Entraide de la Noblesse Française (French: French Nobility Aid Association)
ANFAdditional Network Feature
ANFAnti Nuclear Factor
ANFAlgebraic Normal Form
ANFAccredo Nova Factor, Inc. (Memphis, TN)
ANFAnti-Narcotic Force (Pakistan)
ANFAgreed Negotiated Fee
ANFAntofagasta, Chile - Cerro Moreno (Airport Code)
ANFArrival Notification Form
ANFAtlantic Nuclear Force
ANFAdvanced Nuclear Fuel(s)
ANFAutomatic Number Forwarding
ANFAmerica Needs Fatima
ANFAppletalk Networking Forum
ANFAmerica Needs Farmers
ANFAssociation Niçoise Féline (French: Nice Feline Association; Nice, France)
ANFAgent Naming Facility
ANFArmy News Features
ANFActive Notch Filter
ANFActinide Nitride Fuel
ANFAlaskan NORAD Flight
ANFArbitrary-Node Failure
ANFAccounts Number File
ANFAdvanced Network Facilities (France)