Acronym | Definition |
IFP | Institut Francais du Petrole |
IFP | Inkatha Freedom Party |
IFP | In Forma Pauperis (without the funds to pursue the normal costs of a lawsuit or criminal defense) |
IFP | Independent Film Project (aka Independent Filmmaker Project) |
IFP | International Futures Programme (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development) |
IFP | Institute for Physics (various locations) |
IFP | India Film Project (festival) |
IFP | Illegal Formal Parameter |
IFP | Ims Fast Path |
IFP | Instruction Fetch Pipeline |
IFP | Image Focusing Plate |
IFP | Independent Feature Project |
IFP | International Fellowships Program |
IFP | International Fairs & Promotions (Beirut, Lebanon) |
IFP | Interfalángica Proximal (Spanish: Proximal Interphalangeal; joints) |
IFP | Invitation For Proposal |
IFP | Instrument Flight Procedure |
IFP | International Fair Plovdiv (Bulgaria) |
IFP | Internetowe Forum Policyjne (Polish: Online Police Forum) |
IFP | Initiative for Peacebuilding (EU) |
IFP | Individual and Family Plans (health insurance) |
IFP | Bullhead City, AZ, USA - Bullhead (Airport Code) |
IFP | Interface Processor |
IFP | Instruction Fetch Pipeline (microprocessor design/feature) |
IFP | Integrated Financial Planning |
IFP | Invoice for Payment |
IFP | Institute for Plastination (est. 1993; Body Worlds; Germany) |
IFP | Institut Français de Pondichéry (French: French Institute of Pondicherry; Pondicherry, India) |
IFP | In-Flight Performance |
IFP | Insurance Federation of Pennsylvania |
IFP | Independence Freedom Party (Botswana) |
IFP | International Faculty Program (various locations) |
IFP | Internet Fax Protocol (IETF T.38) |
IFP | International Family Planning |
IFP | Institut Français de Prague (French: French Institute of Prague; Prague, Czech Republic) |
IFP | Individual Financial Plan |
IFP | Iriver Flash Player |
IFP | Internet French Property |
IFP | In Focus Programme (International Labour Organization; UN) |
IFP | Interns for Peace (New York, NY) |
IFP | Infinity Face Paint (Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater game) |
IFP | International Forensic Program (Physicians for Human Rights) |
IFP | Image Formation Processing |
IFP | Internal Floating Piston (shock absorber) |
IFP | Interim Fuel Participation (UPS fuel price variation surcharge) |
IFP | Instituto Felix Pacheco (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) |
IFP | Intensive Field Phase |
IFP | Internet Facsimile Protocol |
IFP | Interactive Forecast Program |
IFP | Integrated Farming Program |
IFP | Institut de Formation et de Promotion (French: Institute for Training and Promotion) |
IFP | Integer Factoring Problem |
IFP | Initial Field Point |
IFP | Instrument Function and Parametric Data Interface |
IFP | Instant Forms Plus (WU) |
IFP | Inherently Flame Proof (fabrics) |
IFP | International Facility Planner System (Sprint) |