Acronym | Definition |
IFPA | Independent Free Papers of America |
IFPA | International Fitness Professionals Association (est. 1994) |
IFPA | Institute for Foreign Policy Analysis |
IFPA | International Fresh-Cut Produce Association (now United Fresh Produce Association) |
IFPA | International Footbag Players' Association |
IFPA | International Flipper Pinball Association |
IFPA | Innovative Forest Practices Agreement |
IFPA | International Federation of Placenta Associations |
IFPA | Indirect Fire Precision Attack |
IFPA | Internet Freedom Preservation Act |
IFPA | Independent Forest Products Association |
IFPA | International Fire Photographers Association |
IFPA | International Fighter Pilots Academy |
IFPA | Irrevocable Fee Protection Agreement |
IFPA | Industry Film Producers Association (now International Association of Audio Visual Communicators) |
IFPA | Integrated Filter Power Amplifier |
IFPA | Italian Planetaria's Friends Association |
IFPA | International Symposium on the Physical and Failure Analysis of Integrated Circuits |
IFPA | Integrated Focal Plane Array |