IOPIntensive Out Patient (treatment program)
IOPInstitute Of Physics
IOPIntraocular Pressure
IOPInstitute of Psychiatry
IOPIntensive Outpatient Program
IOPIntensive Outpatient Program (psychotherapy)
IOPIn Original Packaging
IOPInstitute of Politics (Harvard University)
IOPIsle of Palms (South Carolina)
IOPIndirect Object Pronoun (education)
IOPIncreased Intraocular Pressure
IOPInput Output Port
IOPInput Output Platform
IOPInteroperability Provider
IOPInput Output Processor
IOPInstitute of Packaging (UK)
IOPInstitute of Oriental Philosophy (Japan)
IOPInternational Outreach Program (various locations)
IOPInstitute of Plumbing
IOPInternational Online Pharmacy
IOPIn-Orbit Plane (US NASA)
IOPInternational Opportunities Program
IOPInternational Organisation of Palaeobotany
IOPInternal Operating Procedure
IOPInternal Occipital Protuberance (anatomy)
IOPInstitute of Philosophy
IOPIntensive Operational Period
IOPInternational Organization of Psychophysiology (UN)
IOPInput/Output Package
IOPInstitute of Paper
IOPInherent Optical Property
IOPInnocent Owner/Operator Program
IOPIntensive Operating Period
IOPInternal Oral Presentation (examination)
IOPInstitutional Operating Plan
IOPIntelligent Operator Panel (Siemens)
IOPIntense Observation Period
IOPInstrument of Power
IOPIncreased Offertory Program (church offerings; various locations)
IOPIndividual Oral Presentation (International Baccalaureate assignment)
IOPInput/Output Parameter
IOPInterim Operating Procedure
IOPInanimate Objects Party
IOPInfrastructure Optimization Project
IOPInterface Operating Procedure
IOPInstallation Operating Program
IOPInformational One-Pager
IOPInternal Operating Profit
IOPItem of Priority
IOPIntensive Observation/Observing Period
IOPIndividual Owner's Plan (surveying; Canada)
IOPInformation Operations Platform (US Air Force)
IOPIntegrated Office Package
IOPInstrument Operating Procedure