Acronym | Definition |
IOT | Institute of Technology (various locations) |
IOT | In Order To |
IOT | Institute of Transportation (Taiwan) |
IOT | Internet of Things |
IOT | Index-Organized Table |
IOT | Interoperability Testing |
IOT | British Indian Ocean Territory (ISO 3-letter country code) |
IOT | Indiana Office of Technology |
IOT | Index Organized Table |
IOT | Interoperability Test |
IOT | Initial Operational Test |
IOT | It's Only Temporary |
IOT | Institute for Ocean Technology (Canada) |
IOT | Inductive Output Tube |
IOT | In-Orbit Test |
IOT | Illuminates of Thanateros |
IOT | Inter-Operator Tariff (GSM Roaming) |
IOT | Independent Operational Test |
IOT | Initial Officer Training (UK Royal Air Force) |
IOT | Intensive Outpatient Treatment |
IOT | Interactive Occupational Training (Westminster, CO) |
IOT | Instrument Operations Team |
IOT | Ingeniørhøjskolen Odense Teknikum (Danish: Odense University College of Engineering) |
IOT | Iothalamate (radiopaque agent) |
IOT | Indirectly Occupied Time (resource planning) |
IOT | Image Output Terminal |
IOT | International Office Technologies (Eagan, MN) |
IOT | Institut für Organisations- und Technikgestaltung GmbH (German: Institute for organisational and technological design; Gelsenkrichen, Germany) |
IOT | Interoffice Trunk |
IOT | Intraocular Tension |
IOT | I Only Thought |
IOT | Input/Output Test |
IOT | Inter-Organizational Transfer |
IOT | Interoperability Training |
IOT | Institut für Oberflächentechnik der Hochschule Zittau/Görlitz (German: Institute for Surface Engineering at the University of Applied Science Zittau/Goerlitz) |
IOT | Information Operations Technology |
IOT | Injectable Opioid Treatment (drug treatment) |
IOT | In-Out-Through (MIDI computer protocol) |
IOT | Investors of Tomorrow |
IOT | Integrated Operator Trainer |
IOT | Issue Organizing Teams (Progressive Democrats of America) |
IOT | Interoffice Transfer |
IOT | Indian Oiltanking Limited (Mumbai, India) |
IOT | Integrated Office Technology Plc (UK) |
IOT | Intensive Outreach Team |
IOT | Immature Ovarian Teratoma |
IOT | Integrated Order Taker |
IOT | Intubacion Oro Traqueal (Spanish: Oral-Tracheal Intubation) |