Acronym | Definition |
IOTA | Islands On The Air (ham radio) |
IOTA | International Occultation Timing Association |
IOTA | Ip Based over the Air |
IOTA | Identifiers for Organizations for Telecommunications Addressing |
IOTA | Interest on Trust Accounts |
IOTA | Infrared Optical Telescope Array |
IOTA | Institut d'Optique Théorique et Appliquée (French) |
IOTA | Internet of Things Association (forums) |
IOTA | Intra-European Organisation of Tax Administrations |
IOTA | Institute of Technology Australia |
IOTA | Institute of Transport Administration |
IOTA | Internet Over the Air |
IOTA | Illinois Occupational Therapy Association |
IOTA | Institute Of Theoretical Astronomy |
IOTA | Indiana Occupational Therapy Association |
IOTA | Isle of Thanet Arts (UK) |
IOTA | Information for Operational and Tactical Analysis (software) |
IOTA | Identifiers for Organizations for Telecommunications Addressing (British Standards Institute) |
IOTA | International Office of Technical Assistance |
IOTA | Infrastructure Operations Tools Access |
IOTA | Institute for Oklahoma Technology Applications |
IOTA | Initiative for the Orderly and Timely Administration of Insolvency Estates (Canada) |
IOTA | Inbound/Outbound Traffic Analysis |
IOTA | Illuminates of Thanateros America |
IOTA | Interactive Online Tutoring Access |
IOTA | Icons of the Apocalypse |
IOTA | Institut d'Ophthalmologie Tropical d'Afrique (French) |
IOTA | Input Output Transform Architecture |
IOTA | Integrated Oceanographic Tactical Aid |
IOTA | Interface Océan - Terre - Atmosphère (Centre de Recherches en Physique de l'Environment Terrestre et Planetaire) |
IOTA | Initial Outfitting of Training Activity |
IOTA | Input/Output Termination Assembly (Honeywell) |