IOTAIslands On The Air (ham radio)
IOTAInternational Occultation Timing Association
IOTAIp Based over the Air
IOTAIdentifiers for Organizations for Telecommunications Addressing
IOTAInterest on Trust Accounts
IOTAInfrared Optical Telescope Array
IOTAInstitut d'Optique Théorique et Appliquée (French)
IOTAInternet of Things Association (forums)
IOTAIntra-European Organisation of Tax Administrations
IOTAInstitute of Technology Australia
IOTAInstitute of Transport Administration
IOTAInternet Over the Air
IOTAIllinois Occupational Therapy Association
IOTAInstitute Of Theoretical Astronomy
IOTAIndiana Occupational Therapy Association
IOTAIsle of Thanet Arts (UK)
IOTAInformation for Operational and Tactical Analysis (software)
IOTAIdentifiers for Organizations for Telecommunications Addressing (British Standards Institute)
IOTAInternational Office of Technical Assistance
IOTAInfrastructure Operations Tools Access
IOTAInstitute for Oklahoma Technology Applications
IOTAInitiative for the Orderly and Timely Administration of Insolvency Estates (Canada)
IOTAInbound/Outbound Traffic Analysis
IOTAIlluminates of Thanateros America
IOTAInteractive Online Tutoring Access
IOTAIcons of the Apocalypse
IOTAInstitut d'Ophthalmologie Tropical d'Afrique (French)
IOTAInput Output Transform Architecture
IOTAIntegrated Oceanographic Tactical Aid
IOTAInterface Océan - Terre - Atmosphère (Centre de Recherches en Physique de l'Environment Terrestre et Planetaire)
IOTAInitial Outfitting of Training Activity
IOTAInput/Output Termination Assembly (Honeywell)