ICSIInstitute for Clinical Systems Improvement
ICSIIntroduction to Computer Science (course)
ICSIIntracytoplasmic Sperm Injection
ICSIIntra-Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection
ICSIInstitute of Company Secretaries of India
ICSIInternational Computer Science Institute (Berkeley, CA)
ICSIInternational Conference on Silicon Epitaxy and Heterostructures
ICSIInternational Computer Science Institute
ICSIInternational Certification Services, Inc. (Glencoe, MN)
ICSIInternational Commission on Snow and Ice
ICSIInstitut Canadien de la Santé Infantile (Canadian Institute of Child Health)
ICSIInstitute for Clinical Systems Integration
ICSIInternational Consumer Support for Infertility (Newington, NSW, Australia)
ICSII Can't Stand It
ICSIInstitute on Church and Social Issues (est. 1984; Quezon City, Philippines)
ICSIInterdepartmental Committee on Security and Intelligence (Canada)
ICSIIrish Coalition of Service Industries (Ireland)
ICSIIntegrated Circuit Solution Incorporation
ICSIImperfect Channel State Information
ICSIInstantaneous Channel-State Information