Acronym | Definition |
AFDA | Alt.Fan.Douglas-Adams (USENET) |
AFDA | Association of Federal Defense Attorneys |
AFDA | Australian Funeral Directors Association |
AFDA | A Few Days Ago |
AFDA | Association Francaise des Arabisants |
AFDA | American Food and Drug Administration |
AFDA | Arkansas Development Finance Authority |
AFDA | Allowance for Doubtful Accounts (accounting) |
AFDA | Administrative Functions Disposal Authority (Australia) |
AFDA | Arizona Fire District Association |
AFDA | American Family Data Archive |
AFDA | Association Française de Danse Acrobatique |
AFDA | Arizona Funeral Directors Association |
AFDA | Australian Flying Disc Association Inc. (Sydney, NSW, Australia) |
AFDA | Association Finistérienne des Déficients Auditifs |
AFDA | Alabama Funeral Directors Association |
AFDA | Association of Finnish Defence and Aerospace Industries (Finland) |
AFDA | Aircraft Flight Developers Association |
AFDA | Arkansas Funeral Directors Association |
AFDA | Asian Federation of Dietetic Associations |
AFDA | Armed Forces Discipline Act (New Zealand) |
AFDA | Applied Functional Data Analysis |
AFDA | American Flag Day Association |
AFDA | Association Française pour le Droit de l'Alimentation |
AFDA | Advanced Function Display Adapter |
AFDA | Air Force Data Administrator (USAF) |
AFDA | Association Française de Défense Animalex |
AFDA | Automatic Fire Detection Apparatus |
AFDA | Aberdeen Facial Disfigurement Association (UK) |
AFDA | Axial Flux Difference Alarm |
AFDA | Advanced Filter Design Alternatives (MATLAB toolbox) |
AFDA | Academy of Film and Dramatic Art (Zambia) |
AFDA | Amyloid Fibril Degrading Activity |
AFDA | Arizona Federation of Darts Association |
AFDA | Australian Fashion Designer Award |
AFDA | Alternative Fuels Data Center (US Department of Energy National Renewable Energy Laboratory) |
AFDA | African Film Drama Arts |