HVCHaifa Verification Conference
HVCHighland Valley Copper (British Columbia, Canada)
HVCHd Video Compressor
HVCHue Value Chroma
HVCHighly Vulnerable Children (various locations)
HVCHyatt Vacation Club (St. Petersburg, FL)
HVCHigh Velocity Cloud (galactic cloud made of mostly atomic hydrogen)
HVCHolographic Versatile Card (digital storage medium)
HVCHidden Valley Camp (Granite Falls, Washington)
HVCHigher Vocal Center (brain region)
HVCHokkaido Venture Capital (Japan)
HVCHome Video Computer (Nintendo)
HVCHudson Valley Council (New York)
HVCHearing and Vision Connections
HVCHope Valley College (UK)
HVCHigh Voltage Capacitor
HVCHeart Vascular Center
HVCHidden Valley Club (Vernon, NJ)
HVCHyper-Velocity Cannon
HVCHerp Vet Connection
HVCHigh Value Customer
HVCHigh Voltage Condenser
HVCHorizontal Vertical Colors (screen resolution)
HVCHuntsville Voice Control
HVCHandbal Vereniging Compas
HVCHigh-Value Criminal
HVCHigh Value Compound
HVCHayden's Viburnum Compound (herbal remedy)
HVCHigh Valley Camp
HVCHistory of the Vote in Canada (est. 1997)
HVCHarvest Valley Computer (Homeland, CA)