AFDDAir Force Doctrine Document
AFDDAgrupación de Familiares de Detenidos Desaparecidos (Association of Relatives of the Disappeared)
AFDDAssociation Française des Docteurs en Droit
AFDDAero-Flight Dynamics Directorate (US Army/NASA)
AFDDAudit Findings and Differences Database (ICAO)
AFDDAcriflavine Direct Detection
AFDDAir Force Data Dictionary
AFDDAngels For David Duchovny (web ring)
AFDDAutomated Fault Detection and Diagnostic
AFDDAmerica's Finest Dentist Directory
AFDDAzerbaijan Foundation for Development of Democracy
AFDDAnaerobic Floating Dome Digester
AFDDAssociation Femmes pour un Développement Durable
AFDDAssociation of Families of the Detained and Disappeared (Chile)
AFDDAccumulated Freezing Degree Day
AFDDAlluvial-Fan Deposit, Debris flow dominant (bedrock)
AFDDAverage Flavor Delivery Duration
AFDDApproved for Detailed Design (UK)