ABDAppeal Board Decision (various locations)
ABDArchitecture Block Diagram
ABDAffective Bipolar Disorder
ABDAutomatic Bank Draft
ABDAboriginal Business Development (Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada)
ABDAlcoholic Beverages Division (Iowa)
ABDAll But Dissertation
ABDAsian Business Development (San Francisco, CA)
ABDAssociacao Brasileira de Designers (Portuguese: Brazilian Association of Designers)
ABDActive Brake Differential (automobile feature)
ABDAirborne Division
ABDAutomatic Brake Differential
ABDAdventure Builder Database
ABDAssociation of British Drivers
ABDAged, Blind and Disabled
ABDAmerican Business Directory
ABDAbadan, Iran (airport code)
ABDAnybody but Duke (basketball)
ABDAlready Been Done
ABDAutomatic Brake Differential (automobile)
ABDAnchor Bible Dictionary
ABDAssociation Belge de Documentation
ABDAmerican Board of Dermatology
ABDAmerika Birlesik Devletleri (Turkish: United States of America)
ABDAutomatic Bell Dispenser (Animal Crossing game)
ABDAshish Builders & Developers (Kashipur, Uttrakhand, India)
ABDArmy Battle Dressing
ABDAir Base Defense
ABDAutomated Business Designs (Rosemont, IL)
ABDAll But Degree
ABDAs-Built Drawings
ABDAdventure Builder Database (file extension)
ABDAntica Bottega Digitale
ABDAs Before Described (quantity surveying)
ABDAmerican Bujinkan Dojo
ABDAverage Business Day
ABDAirbus Directive
ABDAdynamic Bone Disorder
ABDAverage Bulk Density (oil refining)
ABDApprentice Boys of Derry (Ulster)
ABDAdvanced Base Depot
ABDAffiliated Broker Dealer (financial)
ABDAda-Based Document
ABDAltitude Brain Damage
ABDAir Bustle Device
ABDAverage-Case Backtracking Distance
ABDAustin Barn Dancers (Austin, TX)
ABDAlways Be Drinking
ABDAntler Beam Diameter
ABDActive Burst Distance
ABDAssociated Board of Dance (UK; formerly Midland International Dance Arts Association)