JEDIJoint Endeavor of Delphi Innovators
JEDIJava Education & Development Initiative
JEDIJovian Energetic-Particle Detector Instrument (Juno; US NASA)
JEDIJapanese-English Dictionary Interface
JEDIJoint Energy Development Investment
JEDIJoint Expeditionary Digital Information
JEDIJustice, Economic Dignity, and Independence for Women
JEDIJoint Environment Driver for Interoperability (software)
JEDIJava Event-based Distributed Infrastructure
JEDIJoint Enterprise DoDIIS Infrastructure (USAF computer network system)
JEDIJoint Electronic Document Interchange project
JEDIJoint Electron Data Interchange
JEDIJoint Exercise Driver for Intelligence
JEDIJust Enough Documented Information
JEDIJava Engineering, Development, & Integration