Acronym | Definition |
IFV | Infantry Fighting Vehicle |
IFV | Institut Français de la Vigne et du Vin (French: French Institute of the Vine and Wine) |
IFV | Incisive Formal Verifier (Cadence) |
IFV | Innerschweizer Fussballverband (Swiss soccer league) |
IFV | Institut Français de Varsovie (French: French Institute of Warsaw; Warsaw, Poland) |
IFV | Institut Français de Vienne (French: French Institute in Vienna; Vienna, Austria) |
IFV | In Ferro Veritas (Latin: In the Sword is Truth; fencing organization and motto) |
IFV | Illini Film and Video (University of Illinois) |
IFV | Iraqi Freedom Veteran |
IFV | Institut Français de Valence (French: French Institute of Valencia; Valencia, Spain) |
IFV | Intermediate Fighting Vehicle |