Acronym | Definition |
ICV | Integrity Check Value (IETF Authentication Header for IPV6 and V4) |
ICV | International Certificate of Vaccination (World Health Organization) |
ICV | Intracerebroventricular |
ICV | Iniciativa per Catalunya Verds |
ICV | Integrity Check Value |
ICV | International Corporate Video |
ICV | Intermediate Commercial Vehicle |
ICV | Illegal Control Variable |
ICV | International Cruise Victims (advocacy group) |
ICV | Infantry Carrier Vehicle |
ICV | Idle Control Valve (automotive) |
ICV | Interval Control Valve (energy production) |
ICV | Infantry Combat Vehicle |
ICV | Impuesto de Circulación de Vehículos (Spanish: Vehicle Road Tax; various locations) |
ICV | Internal Combustion Vehicle (automobiles) |
ICV | Ileocecal Valve |
ICV | Integrated Cement Volume (oil production) |
ICV | International Conference Volunteers (Geneva, Switzerland) |
ICV | Initial Calibration Verification |
ICV | Independent Custody Visitor |
ICV | Inlet Check Valve (automotive) |
ICV | International Congress of Vexillology |
ICV | Indice du Coût de la Vie (French: Cost of Living Index) |
ICV | International Corporate Volunteering |
ICV | intracellular volume |
ICV | Interactive Computer Vision (workshop) |
ICV | Incremental Contract Value |
ICV | Individually Constructed Vehicle (Australia) |
ICV | Irrigation Control Valve |
ICV | International Cognitive Visualization (degree program; various universities) |
ICV | InterChip Via |
ICV | Intracranial Vault |
ICV | Individual Cell Voltage |
ICV | Ictus Cerebrovascularis (Catalan: Cerebrovascular Stroke) |
ICV | Incoming Verification |
ICV | Inventory Carry Value |
ICV | Inter Company Voucher |
ICV | Independent Commanders Viewer |