Acronym | Definition |
ICW | Intracoastal Waterway |
ICW | InterComponentWare AG (Germany) |
ICW | Institute on California and the West (University of Southern California) |
ICW | In Conjunction With |
ICW | Internet Call Waiting |
ICW | Internet Connection Wizard |
ICW | In-Cell Western (protein activation) |
ICW | Institute for a Competitive Workforce (US Chamber of Commerce) |
ICW | In Connection With |
ICW | It Can Wait |
ICW | International Council of Women |
ICW | Internet Connection Wizard (Microsoft) |
ICW | Internet Call Waiting (Nortel) |
ICW | Interactive Courseware |
ICW | In Coordination With |
ICW | International Championship Wrestling (Lexington, KY) |
ICW | I Can't Wait |
ICW | Indonesian Corruption Watch |
ICW | Intracellular Water |
ICW | Intercellular Calcium Wave |
ICW | Inter-Coastal Waterway |
ICW | Interrupted Continuous Wave |
ICW | Italian Championship Wrestling |
ICW | Initialization Command Word |
ICW | Institute of Clerks of Works |
ICW | Insulated Copper Wire |
ICW | Ignore-Conflict-With |
ICW | Intelligent Communication Workstation |
ICW | Infinite Corrugated Waveguide |
ICW | Internal Communications Workgroup |
ICW | Insite Customer Workstation (Sprint) |
ICW | Intermittent Continuous Wave (electronic warfare) |
ICW | Information Carrying Words (auditory processing) |
ICW | In Country Warehouse |