Acronym | Definition |
ID | Idaho (US postal abbreviation) |
ID | Inside Diameter |
ID | Inside Dimension |
ID | Identification/Identity/Identifier |
ID | I'm Down (Beatles song) |
ID | Information Development |
ID | International Development |
ID | Information Document |
ID | Interface Device |
ID | Initial D (Japanese Anime) |
ID | Identification Data |
ID | Indonesia (Including Portuguese Timor) |
ID | Internal Document |
ID | Industrial Design |
ID | Installation Data |
ID | Integrated Design |
ID | Interior Design |
ID | Inner Diameter |
ID | Intelligent Design (theology) |
ID | Inclusive Design (design for all) |
ID | Indoor |
ID | Internal Diameter |
ID | Institution Directory (FDIC) |
ID | Intellectual Disability |
ID | Instructional Design |
ID | Inch Down (elevators) |
ID | Insertion Device |
ID | Infantry Division |
ID | Infectious Disease |
ID | Issue Date |
ID | Implant Dentistry (journal) |
ID | Integrated Diagnostics |
ID | Intrusion Detection |
ID | Indefinite Delivery |
ID | Drain Current |
ID | Initial Distribution |
ID | Interior Decorator |
ID | Idem (Latin: the same) |
ID | Ides (Latin: Ides, their reckoning of the middle day of the month) |
ID | Iraqi Dinar (unit of currency) |
ID | Independent Democrats (South Africa) |
ID | Intelligence Department |
ID | Icewind Dale (game) |
ID | Industry Discount |
ID | Induced Draft (thermal power) |
ID | Idaho Operations Office |
ID | Investigación y Desarrollo (Spanish: Research & Development) |
ID | Intradermal |
ID | Im Durchschnitt (German: on average) |
ID | Im Dienst (German: on duty) |
ID | Inter-Departmental (various organizations) |
ID | Integrated Defense (US Air Force) |
ID | International Diplomacy |
ID | Irrigation Department (Myanmar) |
ID | International Director |
ID | International Delight |
ID | Incremental Development |
ID | Image Dynamics (music equipment; Canada) |
ID | International Dateline |
ID | Interactive Development (various companies) |
ID | Industrial Dispute |
ID | Invisible Disability |
ID | Instruction Decode (Von Neumann cycle step) |
ID | Intelligence Duties (US Navy) |
ID | Intestinal Distress |
ID | Inter Dimensional |
ID | Inventory Discrepancy |
ID | Izquierda Democrática (Democratic Left, Ecuador) |
ID | Inventory Difference |
ID | Invariant Density |
ID | Instituto por la Democracia (Spanish: Institute for Democracy; Guatemala) |
ID | Interleaving Depth |
ID | Infective Dose |
ID | Intermediate Dose (treatment) |
ID | Implementation Dependency |
ID | Interconnecting Device |
ID | Instrument Delivery |
ID | Integrated Dictionary |
ID | Interface Diagram |
ID | Integrated Demonstration(s) |
ID | Item Designator |
ID | Information Deficiency |
ID | Individuated Dysautomania |
ID | Interface Diagnostics |
ID | Inertial Dampeners (Star Trek, Stargate Atlantis) |
ID | Interpretative Documents |
ID | Instantaneous Description (Turing Machine configuration) |
ID | Irvine Dataflow |
ID | Institut Dayakologi (Indonesian: Dayakologi Institute) |
ID | Index Diagram |
ID | We're in Demand (an old Id Software's slogan) |
ID | Iditol Dehydrogenase |
ID | Inside Dose (radiation exposure) |
ID | Interleaved De-Clustering (computing) |
ID | Inhibitors of DNA Binding/Differentiation |
ID | Increased Deployability |
ID | Integrated Daemon |
ID | Instituto Desert (Brasil) |
ID | Incapacitation Dose |
ID | Intercommunication Device |
ID | Intrinsic Densitometry |
ID | Information during Learning Task (online education) |