Acronym | Definition |
JCA | J2EE Connector Architecture (Sun Microsystems, Inc.) |
JCA | John Cordier Academy (formerly Telindus Hightech Institute) |
JCA | Jackie Chan Adventures (TV) |
JCA | Joint Cargo Aircraft (USA) |
JCA | Java Cryptography Architecture |
JCA | Jewish Community Alliance (various locations) |
JCA | Japanese Cancer Association (Japan) |
JCA | J2ee Connector Architecture |
JCA | Journal Control Area |
JCA | Java Connector Architecture |
JCA | Juvenile Chronic Arthritis |
JCA | Japan Curling Association |
JCA | Joliet Catholic Academy (Joliet, Illinois) |
JCA | Job Capacity Assessment (Australia) |
JCA | Joint Combat Aircraft |
JCA | Jacobson Consulting Applications (New York, NY) |
JCA | Japan Canners Association |
JCA | Joint Competent Authority (UK) |
JCA | Journal of Computational Acoustics |
JCA | Job Cost Accounting (software) |
JCA | Java Connection Architecture |
JCA | Job Control Agent |
JCA | Jamaican Canadian Association (Toronto, Canada) |
JCA | Journal of Clinical Anesthesia |
JCA | Joint Capability Area (US DoD) |
JCA | Cannes, France - Mandelieu (Airport Code) |
JCA | Japan Chess Association |
JCA | Japan Chain-Stores Association |
JCA | Japan Cricket Association |
JCA | Joint Communications Activity (US Navy) |
JCA | Japan Choral Association |
JCA | Jewelry Crafts Association |
JCA | Jamming Control Authority |
JCA | Java Card Assembly (file extension) |
JCA | Joint Countermine Application |
JCA | JSIPS-N Concentrator Architecture |
JCA | Jewish Council on Aging |
JCA | Japan CTA (Commodity Trading Advisors) Association (est. 1994) |
JCA | Joint Concentrator Architecture |
JCA | Jeep Club Austria (automobile club; Austria) |