Acronym | Definition |
CFPM | Certified Floodplain Manager |
CFPM | Centre de Formation Professionnelle de la Musique (French: Professional Training Center of Music) |
CFPM | Cubic Feet per Minute (also seen as CFM; unit of measurement) |
CFPM | Canadian Forces Provost Marshal (Head of the Military Police in Canada) |
CFPM | Certified Food Protection Manager |
CFPM | Canadian Federation of Podiatric Medicine (est. 1999) |
CFPM | Cross-Functional Process Mapping (business flow analysis) |
CFPM | Child and Family Prison Ministry (Thailand rescue mission) |
CFPM | Comprehensive Fixed Price Maintenance |
CFPM | Club Français des Pêcheurs à la Mouche (French: French Club of Fly Fishers; est. 1949) |
CFPM | Center for Policy Modeling |
CFPM | Chemin de fer Privé de la Mulatière (French model railroad club) |
CFPM | Certified Foodservice Purchasing Manager |
CFPM | Case Feet per Minute (material handling industry) |
CFPM | Compagnie Française de Pierres et Marbres (French: French Stone and Marble Company) |
CFPM | Center for Professional Management (Naperville, IL) |