HWFHardware Forum
HWFHandwriting Font
HWFHamburgische Gesellschaft für Wirtschaftsförderung (German investment fund)
HWFHanging with Friends (game)
HWFHimalayan Wildlife Foundation
HWFHard Wood Floor
HWFHardcore Wrestling Federation
HWFHawaii Wildlife Fund (Paia, HI)
HWFHawaiian Way Fund (Council for Native Hawaiian Advancement; Honolulu, HI)
HWFHandwörterbuch des Bank- und Finanzwesens (German: banking and finance manual)
HWFHeavy Water Factory (band)
HWFHistoric Waco Foundation (Waco, TX; est. 1967)
HWFHöhere Wirtschaftsfachschule (German school for economics)
HWFHerald Worldwide Fund
HWFHighland Wolf Fund
HWFHousing for Working Families (New York)
HWFHot White Female
HWFHowling Woolf Films (UK)