Acronym | Definition |
IG | Instagram |
IG | Interest Group |
IG | I Guess |
IG | In Game (online gaming) |
IG | Inspector General |
IG | Ignore |
IG | Installation Guide |
IG | Implementation Guide |
IG | Iron Golem (gaming) |
IG | Immunoglobulin |
IG | Investors Group |
IG | Ilford (postcode, United Kingdom) |
IG | Information Governance (various organizations) |
IG | Insulating Glass |
IG | Igloo (pressurized and thermally controlled environment for Spacelab pallet subsystems) |
IG | Italian Greyhound |
IG | iGoogle (personalized Google homepage) |
IG | Industriegewerkschaft (Industrial Labor Union) |
IG | Immune Globulin |
IG | Investment Grade |
IG | Independent Group (various organizations) |
IG | Index Glycémique (French: Glycemic Index) |
IG | Infidelguy (website) |
IG | Instituto Geofísico |
IG | Imperial Guard (game) |
IG | Intelligence Group |
IG | Image Generator |
IG | Inherently Governmental |
IG | Irish Guards (A British Regiment) |
IG | Intra-Gastric (healthcare) |
IG | Inspector Gadget (cartoon) |
IG | International Ground (commerical carriage modality; FedEx) |
IG | Islamic Group |
IG | Inspection Générale (French: General Inspectorate) |
IG | Intrinsic Gettering |
IG | Infogrames (European software company) |
IG | Inscriptiones Graecae (definitive collection of ancient manuscripts) |
IG | Interactive Graphics |
IG | Isolated Ground |
IG | Instructor Guide |
IG | Infinite Green (Internet radio) |
IG | Interglobal |
IG | Income Generation |
IG | Institute of Genetics (Canada) |
IG | Interagency Group |
IG | Intern Geologist (professional status) |
IG | Induction Generator |
IG | Imperial Gallon |
IG | Interface Group |
IG | Inertial Guidance |
IG | IndyGo (mass transit company) |
IG | Inspecciones Globales (Spanish: Global Inspections; Guatemala) |
IG | Inner Guard (Masonry) |
IG | Interdepartmental Group |
IG | Information Granulation |
IG | Index-Linked Gilts (finance) |
IG | Indiangrass (botany) |
IG | Im Generalstab (German: General-Staff Member) |
IG | Interoperability Group |
IG | Instructor in Gunnery (Canadian and British Military) |
IG | Inspectoría General (Guatemala special police division) |
IG | Interglide (Shimano Chain and Cogs) |
IG | Inverse Gain |
IG | Imperial Games (gaming fansite network) |
IG | InterGOV International |
IG | Interconnecting Group |
IG | Illumined Gaming (message board) |
IG | Inwent Germany |