Acronym | Definition |
JLA | Justice League of America (comics; also seen as JLOA) |
JLA | Justice League Animated (TV series) |
JLA | Japan Lifesaving Association |
JLA | Joe Louis Arena (Detroit, Michigan) |
JLA | John Lennon Airport (UK) |
JLA | Japan Library Association |
JLA | Justice League Adventures (comic book series) |
JLA | Jamaica Live Stock Association |
JLA | Japan Lacrosse Association (est. 1987) |
JLA | Japan Linux Association (est. 1999) |
JLA | Junior League of Austin |
JLA | Jugoslovanska Ljudska Armada (Slovenian: Yugoslav People's Army; 1945-1991) |
JLA | Journal of Library Administration |
JLA | Junior League of Athens |
JLA | Junior League of Atlanta |
JLA | Joe L. Allbritton |
JLA | Japan Lottery Association |
JLA | Joint Lead Agency |
JLA | Junior League of Annapolis |
JLA | Junior League of Arlington |
JLA | Junior Leaders Academy (Pakistan Army) |
JLA | Junior League of Albuquerque |
JLA | Junior League of Asheville |
JLA | Junior League of Abilene |
JLA | Junior League of Akron |
JLA | Junior League of Albany |
JLA | Junior League of Augusta (Georgia) |
JLA | Junior League of Alexandria |
JLA | Japan Lanchester Association |
JLA | Jerk-Locked Averaging |
JLA | Japanese Lyricists Assosination |
JLA | Joint Lead Arranger (banking) |
JLA | Jewish Leaders of America |