Acronym | Definition |
ARDA | American Resort Development Association |
ARDA | a Realisation of Distributed Analysis |
ARDA | Advanced Research and Development Activity (US government; now Disruptive Technology Office, DTO) |
ARDA | American Religion Data Archive |
ARDA | Association of Religion Data Archives |
ARDA | American Rescue Dog Association |
ARDA | Advanced Research and Development Agency |
ARDA | African Radio Drama Association (Nigeria) |
ARDA | Agricultural and Rural Development Act (Canada) |
ARDA | Association Réunionnaise de Développement de l'Aquaculture (French: Reunion Association of Aquaculture Development; Reunion, France) |
ARDA | A Realization of Distributed Analysis (project; Large Hadron Collider) |
ARDA | Atomic Research and Development Authority |
ARDA | Airborne Radar Directed Approach |
ARDA | Agricultural and Rural Development Association (Sri Lanka) |
ARDA | Adaptive Rate Decision Algorithm (Sprint) |
ARDA | Active Retro-Directive Array |