Acronym | Definition |
ISTP | Integer Store and Pop |
ISTP | International Solar Terrestrial Physics (platform) |
ISTP | Index to Scientific & Technical Proceedings |
ISTP | Institut Supérieur des Techniques de la Performance (French: Higher Institute of Technical Performance; engineering school) |
ISTP | International Symposium on Transport Phenomena |
ISTP | Institute for Sustainability and Technology Policy |
ISTP | In-Service Training Programme (Bamenda, Cameroon) |
ISTP | International Solar-Terrestrial Program |
ISTP | Institute of Solar-Terrestrial Physics (Russia) |
ISTP | Introverted Sensing Thinking Perceiving (Myers-Briggs personality type indicator) |
ISTP | Internet Signaling Transport Protocol |
ISTP | Instituto Superior de Transportes (Portugal) |
ISTP | I See The Problem |
ISTP | Integrated System Test Plan |