Acronym | Definition |
ARE | Arab Republic of Egypt |
ARE | United Arab Emirates (ISO Country code) |
ARE | Assistant Research Engineer |
ARE | Accident Response Exercise |
ARE | Assistant Resident Engineer |
ARE | Agricultural and Resource Economics (university department) |
ARE | Architect Registration Examination |
ARE | Advancement of Research in Education |
ARE | Association for Research and Enlightenment |
ARE | Activated Reactive Evaporation |
ARE | Antioxidant Response Element |
ARE | Alexandria Real Estate Equities Inc |
ARE | Associate in Reinsurance (insurance) |
ARE | Alliance Real Estate |
ARE | Association for Retail Environments (Hollywood, FL) |
ARE | Algebraic Riccati Equation (mathematics) |
ARE | Antique Rose Emporium (Brenham, TX) |
ARE | American Racing Equipment (Compton, CA) |
ARE | Abundant Renewable Energy (wind turbines; Newberg, OR) |
ARE | Allocation d'Aide au Retour à l'Emploi |
ARE | Assemblée des Régions d'Europe (French: Assembly of European Regions) |
ARE | Androgen Response Element |
ARE | Aquatic Resources Education (various locations) |
ARE | Agencja Rynku Energii (Polish: Energy Market Agency) |
ARE | All Routes Explorer |
ARE | Adobe Raster Express |
ARE | Acronym Rich Environment |
ARE | Asymptotic Relative Efficiency |
ARE | American Repertory Ensemble (performance group) |
ARE | Absolute Relative Error |
ARE | Admiralty Research Establishment (British) |
ARE | Acronym-Rich Environment |
ARE | Agent Runtime Environment |
ARE | Army Reserve Element |
ARE | Aircraft Recovery Equipment |
ARE | Association pour le Retournement des Entreprises (French: Association for Corporate Turnaround; Paris, France) |
ARE | Aircraft Reactor Experiment |
ARE | Associate of Religious Education |
ARE | Advanced Rating Engine |
ARE | Acquisition Reform Executive |
ARE | Atmospheric Research Equipment |
ARE | Attack Response Exercise |
ARE | AIDS Response Effort Inc (Winchester, VA) |
ARE | Amount Remaining to be Excreted (pharmacology) |
ARE | Access Record Exchange (TMN) |
ARE | ATM Routing Engine (Baystream) |
ARE | Annual Risk Exposure |
ARE | Additional Requested Element (building) |
ARE | Enterprise Engineering Division (NIMA) |
ARE | Acute Respiratory Exposures |
ARE | Automatic Round-Trip Engineering |
ARE | Aviation Readiness Evaluation |
ARE | Array Regulator Electronics |
ARE | Abrasive Resistant Epoxy paint |
ARE | All Round Elites (gaming clan) |
ARE | Alert Readiness Exercise |
ARE | Aircraft Reactor Equipment |
ARE | Accredited Ritual Evaluator (International Order of DeMolay) |
ARE | Advanced Real-Time Executive |
ARE | AU (Adenylate Uridylate)-Rich Element (also seen as AURE) |