Acronym | Definition |
IRES | Information and Real Estate Services |
IRES | Internal Ribosomal Entry Site (biochemistry) |
IRES | Institute for Resources, Environment and Sustainability |
IRES | IBM Retail Environment for SUSE |
IRES | Institut de Reinserció Social |
IRES | Insurance Regulatory Examiners Society |
IRES | Institut de Recherches Économiques et Sociales (French) |
IRES | Intuit Real Estate Solutions |
IRES | International Real Estate Society |
IRES | Institut de Recherches Subatomiques (French) |
IRES | Institute for Research on Environment and Sustainability |
IRES | International Real Estate Services |
IRES | Institute of Real Estate Studies |
IRES | International Relations and European Studies |
IRES | Imposte sul Reddito delle Società (Italian: Taxes on the Companies Income) |
IRES | International Research Experience for Students |
IRES | International Review for Environmental Strategies |
IRES | Instituto di Ricerche Economiche e Sociali (Italian) |
IRES | Independent Resource Estimations (South Africa) |
IRES | International Renewable Energy Storage (Conference) |
IRES | Inter Regional Executive Search |
IRES | Internet Reservation Systems |
IRES | Infra Red Earth Sensor (space/satellite technology) |
IRES | International Research and Educational Society |
IRES | Integrated Request Entry System |
IRES | Infra-Red Experimental Source |
IRES | Initiative für Regenerative Energien in Sachsen eV (German) |
IRES | Icelandic Resources in Earth Science |
IRES | International Radiation Education Symposium |
IRES | Isotope Release Simulator |
IRES | International Research Experience in the Sciences |