Acronym | Definition |
LRS | Library Research Service |
LRS | Lietuvos Respublikos Seimas (Lithuanian: Lithuanian Parliament) |
LRS | Lese Rechtschreib Schwaeche (German: Reading Spelling Weakness) |
LRS | Lawyer Referral Service (Ontario) |
LRS | Logistics Readiness Squadron (USAF) |
LRS | Long Range Surveillance |
LRS | Learning Record Store (data store) |
LRS | Laser Raman Spectroscopy (semiconductors) |
LRS | Low Resolution Spectra |
LRS | Langer Radstand |
LRS | Language Resource File |
LRS | Language Resource (File Name Extension) |
LRS | Little Red Schoolhouse (various locations) |
LRS | Linear Referencing System (transportation engineering) |
LRS | Light Rail System (various locations) |
LRS | Linear Regression Slope (algorithm) |
LRS | Lloyd's Register of Shipping |
LRS | Low Ratio Suspension (bicycles) |
LRS | Leader Replacement System (California Department of Health Care Services) |
LRS | Last Resort Service |
LRS | Lactated Ringer's Solution |
LRS | Lower Respiratory Symptom |
LRS | Licensing and Registration System (fishing regulation) |
LRS | Lifetime Reproductive Success |
LRS | Laboratory for Reactor Physics and Systems Behaviour (Switzerland) |
LRS | Little Red Spot (feature of Jupiter) |
LRS | Land Resource Science (University of Guelph; Canada) |
LRS | Learning Resource Services (libraries, media centers, computer centers) |
LRS | Long-Range Search |
LRS | Line Repeater Station |
LRS | Liquids-Rich Shale (energy production) |
LRS | Linear Recursive Sequence |
LRS | Leros, Greece - Leros (Airport Code) |
LRS | Laurinburg & Southern Railroad |
LRS | Lady Raven Stables LLC (Spokane, WA horse ranch) |
LRS | Lead Retrieval System (software) |
LRS | Lockton Risk Services (insurance; Lockton Companies) |
LRS | Laser Rangefinding Scope (rifle) |
LRS | Lunar Republic Society |
LRS | Littoral Remote Sensing |
LRS | Launch and Recovery System |
LRS | Lobbyists Registration System (Canada) |
LRS | Learner Response System (training course; Promethean Planet) |
LRS | Low-Resistivity Silicon |
LRS | Lake Reporting Service |
LRS | Longest Repeating Sequence |
LRS | Laser Reflectance Spectrometer |
LRS | Laser Raman Scattering |
LRS | Laboratory for Reliable Software |
LRS | Leafy Reduced Stature (botany) |
LRS | Low Resolution Scenario |
LRS | Literature Reviewing Service |
LRS | Latvijas Rakstnieku Savieniba (Writers' Union of Latvia) |
LRS | Link Reinforcement Set for MGB |